The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Chasing a Comet...

I have learned of a comet that we have had the privelege of being able to experience with the naked eye over the last few days. It is visible just before sunrise or just after sunset. Of course, I will try in the morning to capture it myself, though my view of the horizon is not all that great especially with the anemometer directly in my line of vision for the sunrise... but just in case I don't, here are some photos that folks all over the world have captured of the comet. Link to photos captured of Comet McNaught Thanks Jeff G. for sharing the link and the information about it. I had no idea.

It's off to bed for me. Got me a comet to chase in the morning.

Good night.

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