The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Another boring day in South Georgia

Interesting... while I was watching the weather channel this morning, they showed isolated tstms in the forecast for Wednesday, but according to the guys, upper ridging will be back in place by Wednesday afternoon... someone is wrong. My money (if I actually had any) would be with the guys. Here's what they had to say... BY TUESDAY...MODELS SHOW A WEAK SHORTWAVE MOVING OVER THE REGION BRINGING A SLIGHT CHANCE OF PRECIP TO THE AREA. HOWEVER... MOST OF THE FORCING APPEARS TO REMAIN NORTH OF THE AREA. IN THE WAKE OF THIS PULSE...UPPER RIDGING QUICKLY BUILDS BACK OVER THE AREA BY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. So there you have it folks, another day of BORING weather. Our most exciting thing is a bed of stratus clouds which should break up by the afternoon. Hold your enthusiasm.

As it turns out, my chaser friends out of Colorado did end up going out yesterday, saw some funnel clouds and impressive storm structure, but no tornadoes... boy, did I ever lose that "contest"... lol Anyway, it was a last minute decision for them to go out for a quick chase trip. Watching GR this morning showed a few watch boxes out that way, but mostly just looking like hail and rain now. I saw what looked to be a nice supercell (sorry, SUPERCELL!) near Evansville, Indiana, not too long ago, but it was short lived. Nice little system moving through, but not terribly impressive... I say that, but it's a whole lot better than anything I'm looking at in these parts. At least looking at it on radar fulfills some of my SDS associated withdrawal symptoms. ;-)

Have a great day!!!

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