The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The long walk...

Boy, am I pooped... I am going to need a vacation to recover from my vacation... Long day today. We took several different means of transportation to get to South Ferry (the 1 was under construction, which just happened to be the subway we wanted..., so we took the 2 and a shuttle bus). Once at South Ferry, we eventually figured out where to purchase tickets for the ferry to the Statue... got some great pictures there (sharing some...) It was a cold day with a hard breeze that was worse of course on the bay, but tolerable, especially with my scarf, coat and gloves. Being at the Statue of Liberty was touching. It gave me a very patriotic feeling, which was nice. It was also great to see all the internationals there sharing in the patriotism... Got a very nice Chinese lady to take a picture of hubby and I in front of the statue. Then, her glasses broke, and I was was there with my eyeglass repair kit... promoting good will, don't you know? That's my job as a ham... ;-) After leaving the Statue, we hit Ellis Island and learned that several of hubby's relatives came through there. Very cool. We also learned that our last name is derived from the word for egg whites... alrighty then. So we left Ellis Island, hit the site of Ground Zero, which was very humbling and sad. I reflected on 9/11 and thought about all the lives lost in that horrific assault. Unfortunately, we just missed the visitor's center... but that's OK. I visited the site. That was something... Before leaving the financial district, I had to hit Wall Street. That was a very important stop for me. I took several pics there, and then we stumbled upon this really beautiful church there in the financial district, and beside the church was a graveyard that had a very historic feel, so I took a picture, then noticed that the American Stock Exchange was there in the background... very cool. I thought the B&W shot was important for this shot.

This sign was not very well read by the drivers... so I had to take a picture. After that's when things got interesting. We decided to walk back up to mid town. If anyone ever suggests that you walk from South Ferry to Mid Town, you need to tell them to fly a kite. It was about 30 blocks, probably about 4 miles, in the wind tunnel generated by the tall buildings on either side of the street, but hey, we walked up Broadway, and by golly, we saved subway fare (again... don't ever do this). Along the way, we saw many interesting things and actually found a really awesome Korean restaurant in Little Korea, where I think I ate caviar... It was awesome food though... just don't ever eat stuff with red stuff (kimshi, according to hubby) on it at a Korean restaurant unless you like for your taste buds to be set on fire... great googaly moogaly. We walked all the way from South Ferry to Penn Station New York, where we caught the NJ back... Again, I am POOPED!

Good news, tomorrow, we head back home. We have a 3PM flight headed to Orlando tomorrow. Once in Orlando, in mostly sunny 84 degree temps... we'll head back home to South Georgia... boy, do I miss home... then, it's back to the grind on Tuesday. Get to see the Mini-Dew and the doggone dog... hooray.

You know... don't know if I'll get a chance to post in the AM... hoping to take a dip in the pool before heading out of this place.

Have a great night!


  1. wow dew what an awesome trip.
    Great pictures!!!

  2. Looks like you are having an awesome trip!!! Happy Anniversary! have a safe xmtrip home.

  3. Looks like a really great trip to NY. I was there quite a few years ago with the Phoenix College Junior choir. I would love to go back there again and take my daughter, not to mention taking pictures of buildings. ;)

  4. Jess, Nicole and Beth Ellen... Truly an awesome trip. Great experiences. I saw so much, learned so much. I have trouble pib pointing a favorite part of the trip. It was all incredible!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Egg Whites??!! Oh that is funny... ;-)

  6. Poor hubby is still stewing over the egg white thing... lol

    Thanks for the visit.


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