The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Shooting lillies in the cold...

Don't know if I missed the lowest temp for us this morning, but my weather station offered me a temp of 33 degrees when I got up... I'll tell you what, it worked awfully hard out there to reach that freezing goal (if it didn't reach it while I was still sleeping - as the sun's trying to creep above the horizon now...), and leave it to silly ol' me to go out there in my t-shirt to take some pictures of my beautiful lillies (Mini-Dew actually called me outside yesterday to look at them because they are just so beautiful, but yesterday, I didn't use my camera at all, so I decided I'd catch them today). I did it quickly, and since there is absolutely no wind, it wasn't too horrible, and I worked quickly, didn't break out the tripod or anything crazy like that. They truly are beautiful, and there are so many of them. I probably should clip some and bring them inside. Right now, the sky is void of all clouds, and the sun continues to creep up over the horizon as I write, casting a golden silhouette around the trees and neighbors' homes. It is beautiful having an eastern view out my office window... except for the potential westward approaching severe weather, when it ever does decide to grace us.

A quick glance at TLH... OK, the synopsis is basically what I've already said, approaching freezing away from the coast (uh, yeah, you think?) and the wind died overnight (very good news)... did make a mention of a possible cloud deck approaching, a gift from our western neighbors, AL and MS, but as I said, we haven't got a cloud in the sky, so I guess it didn't make it this far east. Had it, we might have been spared a bit of the cold. Expecting good amount of warming through the morning, leaving us with very pleasant mid to upper 60's and a mix of sun and mid to high level clouds. Basically a beautiful "sprinter's" (get it? spring/winter) day. Would be the perfect day to get some yard work in, if only I had taken the time to clean house yesterday instead of playing on the computer. As for tonight...
INLAND LOCATIONS MAY ONCE AGAIN FIND THEMSELVES IN THE MIDDLE 30S TO NEAR 40 TOWARD SUNRISE ON MONDAY. Sheesh... brrr... Fortunately, Monday will see a return to more normal temps with highs in the 70's and lows returning to the 40's/50's that we'd expect at this time of year. They still aren't expecting the system out west that's developing to impact us with weather, so POPS remain out of the forecast through the weekend. You know, what that means... it's fire weather. Yes, we are in a Red Flag Warning... however, doesn't look like it'll get below the critical 25% RH around here, which unfortuntely means that it will be in that 25%-35% range which is apparently (according to what Tim told me) is what the forestry division considers to be the ideal time to start controlled burns. At least that cleared up a few things for me. I don't have to get my feathers all ruffled when I see burns during Red Flag Warnings... unless we're critical.

OK, now, that blazing ball of fire is up and shining right in my eyes... did I mention that there are a couple of downsides to an east facing window? Hopefully, everyone has had a fabulous weekend so far. Today, I think we are actually headed to dear son's new apartment to deliver some furniture to him that we no longer use. Sounds thrilling, I know. lol

Have a great day!

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