The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

It WILL happen... really?

I took these CU shots yesterday as I was driving to Mini-Dew's practice that had been cancelled (little did I know...). Mini-Dew enjoyed looking at the clouds and describing what they resembled. No rain though... not a drop. As opposed to yesterday's AFD, that said probably not going to happen (which might I add, they were right about...nada, the Dewvoid holds), the HWO today says,

Note that they didn't say might, could, maybe or perhaps... they said WILL... that's encouraging. Not likely to be a widespread severe weather outbreak, but rain. Hooray! It's about doggone time.

I provided some radar data support to Carolina Mike as he attempted to do some lightning chasing last night after work. Of course, he was chasing with me, so the Dewvoid was very much at work there. The really incredible cells that were headed straight for him as he got into position, dissolved right before my eyes. The curse remains in tact. Sorry, Mike. No lightning shots for you!

Looking a little deeper into what the guys are telling us about today... well, the short term is actually confusing the heck out of me today... let me break it down and try to make some sense of it. They talk of above average rain chances at rain even though drier air is moving in from our east... as the sea breeze front makes its way in from that direction (typically gusty and not really rain filled...) late this afternoon, early evening... but they keep POPS high because they think that moisture might be slow to move out and leftovers might fire before the sea breeze arrives. They do not expect wet microbursts, hail or damaging winds... Sounds like a seriously weak and wussy event. Darn.

I saw the most ridiculous thing on the news this morning!!! You remember that EF4 rated tornado in Canada on Friday evening? Well, apparently some guy thought it would be cool to take a photograph of his small children posing in front of this high-winded beast within a close proximity. It was insane! People can be such idiots.


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