The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Thursday, September 13, 2007


I am still recovering from the surprise that I posted about this morning regarding HURRICANE Humberto. That thing went from "Yeah, it could become a little better organized before it moves inland..." to "Yeah, it made landfall as a Category 1 Hurricane!!!" Craziest part of all is that Depression to Hurricane occurred in 14 hours! Quite a storm, packs quite a punch! There is so much rain wrapped up in this hurricane. I have seen reports of more than 3 inches per hour. Should be some horrific flooding (yes, yes, Carolina Mike, the number 1 severe weather related killer in the US, happy?). Power outages... flooding... damaging winds... and to think, yesterday, they called it a tropical depression...

Aside from that, dear ol' TD 8 is still meandering its way across the Atlantic with absolutely NO change in intensity. The shear is expected to drop off some today, which really wreaked havoc on that poor little unorganized mess. It has some chance to become a tropical storm before it hits a stronger than normal upper level trough. This should pretty much take the wind right of its sails. Not looking like it will become the hurricane that it could have become.

OK, OK, aside from all that tropical action, which as Mini-Dew pointed out "is nowhere near us!" Until she saw the rain projections along the Gulf coast in association with Hurricane Humberto, then she said, "Oh great... the hurricane is going to come here while I am at school..." I explained that it'll just generate rain after going over all that land, nothing to worry about. Good grief, I am still talking tropically... I GOT A CHASE-TUNITY YESTERDAY!!! Oh yeah, baby! I left the office at about 5:10, and in front of me driving down the road was a magnificent storm cell that was very low to the surface. It was soon behind me as I raced up the road to fetch Mini-Dew and her 3 friends to wisk off the practice (good thing I have a mini-van, right?). So, I am racing up the road, as I was saying, and right in front of me is one of the most evil looking anvils I have ever seen in these parts (the other was when I caught that shelf cloud in July, I think). So, what's a Dew to do? Do I have to ask? I whipped out my camera, duh... I am traveling up the road, snapping off pictures (off course, unlike SCM, I don't have a wide-angle lens, so I couldn't capture the whole thing in one shot... cough cough... no, I am not jealous. lol.) The further up the road I go, the closer I come to this fabulous monster looking anvil!!! It was an evil looking sky, covering up the blue... I love the shots with the contrast. Anyway, expect more this afternoon...

A gathering to honor Eric Nguyen's memory has been set up for September 22. Details are included in this link. This demonstrates the impact that Eric had on so many others. Continued prayers for his family and close friends.



  1. There you go again, taking pictures driving on the interstate.... That sure was one dark cloud!

  2. Who me??? Would I Dew that? cha cha cha...

  3. Sure just ask the GSP in Tift county..

  4. Wait a minute, who have you spoken with?

  5. I can see Dew driving down the road at 80mph with one foot on the steering wheel while she hangs out the window taking pictures. :-) SDS indeed! LOL!!

    Congrats on a long over-dew chase. :-)

  6. SEVERE SDS!!! You don't know the half of it. Come on out to GA for a little while. You'll see what it can do to a person.

    Wasn't much of a chase, but I got a really mean looking anvil.

  7. Those are some really intense clouds. I need to get out and do some cloud photos. :) Thanks for swinging by. I used to pray for storms as a small child. I lived in the desert of Arizona and we could go for days without a change in weather. Clear skies, no variation.

  8. They were incredibly intense. It offered an incredible rush having the chance to chase those. I had a blast! You said, Arizona, not South GA? lol. I know all about praying for storms... Thanks for the visit, Beth Ellen.


Dew comment, please...