The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Abandoned by my own team... sulking...

So unfair! I just want to chase; is that so wrong? I was sitting there yesterday evening after returning from Mini-Dew's practice, minding my own business, when I get this call from Carolina Mike and Rick, who are out chasing (sort of), a nice cell in North Florida with very frequent CG. As if it wasn't bad enough that there was a cell I couldn't chase... they had to be on it!!! Grr... I provided some GR radar support, grumbling the whole time. I hope to get something this weekend, so we can have a nice trial chase. If not though, Mike will be moving down next month, and we will have lots of opportunities to chase. sigh. As for y'all chasing without me... :-P

As for today, we have a nice cluster of cells developing to my east. Looks to be on a north-nortwest track, so I won't get any of that, but it demonstrates potential. POPS remain decent for today with talk of frequent CG. I once again will be home with Mini-Dew, so it won't be a chasetunity for me unless it comes to me. I have become the master of the backyard chase. If we can get some good heating today... the moisture should be readily available for something... Location, location, location. It would really stink big time to miss two team chase days. The radar capture here is a look at what I have going on now. Incidentally, the pics were taken yesterday... while I was transporting children from point A to point B. That is my life... on the plus side, Mini-Dew was explaining to the others what the various clouds were, and what they meant (yet another proud mommy moment), and when I was talking to the guys who chased without me, I tried to talk Mini-Dew into going out to chase with me... she contemplated it until I told her she would have to sleep. She started talking about how she would need a digital camera, and she would need to have her own blog!!! Can you believe that?! My future storm chaser, perhaps sooner than I thought.

Tropical action is kind of bizarre. We have the surface low (90L) in the GOM which is not very well convected right now, but the circulation is clear on satellite, and if some convection can build, we might have Noel in the next day or so. In the Bahamas, we have a broad surface trough (92L) that remains disorganized, though the area seems to be trying to develop a low. The models still develop this one and take it into the GOM. Conditions are favorable for this one to actually become a tropical depression over the course of the next few days. We shall see. With a strong ridge in place in the Northern GOM, it should stay well south of here, regardless. We have yet another Cape Verde storm that has an associated low (91L). It is getting organized, yet it is headed for a rough environment. Then, let's not forget about dear old Melissa; her remnants are still hanging on out there in the middle of the Atlantic. She is in a highly sheared environment, and is not expected to hang on much longer. I tell you what, though, she is definitely a fighter. She even has some bursts of convection trying to take off...

That's it, local weather and tropical weather discussed. I noticed POPS added to the weekend forecast. I will hold onto the hope that I will get to chase this weekend... otherwise, keep those mudslides flowing. Just what Dr. SDS ordered.

Ti Saluto,


  1. Sorry....wont happen again. Things would have been even more fun with the Dew Drop on the scene!

  2. You know that's right! ;-)

  3. Well Yes... Wish you were there, but this was a real surprise for both of us. matter of fact we were about to say goodbye when Rick saw some CG soooooo we had to play with it some... Lets be optimistic for Friday!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Of course you did... I would have done the same thing, all things considered. lol Let's hope we have an awesome chasetunity today!!! I have all my gear. I am ready!


Dew comment, please...