The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Friday, November 07, 2008


Well, she did it! At the 7PM advisory last night, Paloma became a hurricane, which happened much faster than expected, but the satellite imagery certainly suggested the likelihood. Hurricane Paloma quickly got her act together and ramped up to hurricane strength, has intensified even further in these morning hours, and is now sadly, headed straight for Cuba... forecast to gain major hurricane strength before landfall in southern Cuba. Hurricane Paloma is forecast to hit an area of high shear after interaction with Cuba. The shear will likely tear Paloma to pieces, but while she's with us, she will make her presence known. The Cayman Islands are already feeling her approach.

It's rare that we see a hurricane at the same time that we see a blizzard... my, what strange weather we're having! The blizzard has not lost its umph yet! It is still pummeling the Dakotas, and it's on the move heading toward my Wisconsin friends. Watch out, sis! Looks like I lost OSNW3's pool... sigh. Y'all try to stay warm... yeah, good luck with that.

Also, that crazy coastal low is still turning off the east coast, but I think it's finally about to move along as the approaching cold front moves in... sigh again.

Have a great weekend!!!


  1. Such a powerful hurricane, so late in the season, while the Dakotas are being pummeled by a blizzard!

  2. The Weather.....Go figure.

    It has been the longest and most beautiful, real Autumn, here in our part of Texas (Ft. Worth), since I can remember, or was really interested in weather and studying it for the last 30 years.

    The typical cycle here is:
    leaves are green....
    cold weather....
    leaves start to turn....
    much more cold weather....
    leaves turn brown....
    hard blowing rain....
    leaves all fall off....
    a little snow....
    lots of sleet....
    wait for spring...

    Always enjoy your weather blog.
    It's a favorite,

  3. Dew! haha, no snow yet as of 2:50 CST. I highly doubt we'll get an inch to accumulate from this. You still have plenty of time... maybe. :)

  4. Interesting site you have. Glad I dropped by. I'm not a SkyWarn spotter, but have thought about it from time to time. There are classes we can take not far from here. We live in the snowbelt off Lake Erie, and get some pretty weird weather conditions both winter and summer.
    Thanks for the nice comments. I'll be visiting you again.

  5. what about your michigan friends?

  6. we already had snow it just didn't stay plus lately the temps have been in the mid 60s up here in the great UP

  7. I don't know if you follow the Astronomy Picture of the Day site, but when I saw this one today (Nov 8) I thought of your blog.
    If you miss viewing it today and they change it, you can probably search for it under the title "On the trail of 2008 TC3" It's really cool.

  8. Merisi, I know. It's bizarre!

    Troy, Congrats on your real autumn... now, you get real severe weather. Be safe today!

    OSNW3, Am I still good on my prediction?

    Becky and Gary, I would highly recommend the classes if for nothing else, just the personal knowledge. Stop by anytime!

    Island rambles, Pop in anytime for wacky weather updates!

    Carrie, I love my Michaigan friends too, but it didn't look like it would make it that far over... you guys are just crazy for living where y'all do!

    Deborah, Great site! Thanks so much for sharing! Awesome! I appreciate you thinking of me!


Dew comment, please...