The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Monday, December 28, 2009

Ho, ho, hi!!

Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope your Christmas was blessed, and that it was a nice enjoyable break, full of rest and fun. I know it was for us. Except for my wonderful groom leaving to pick up his dear children, we were home relaxing all day long. We had a terrific time opening (way toooooooo many!!!!) presents, and then, it was time to play with (and eat) all the new goodies. We are truly blessed to have so much love surrounding us. Don't miss the before and after shots... insanity at its best.

One gift, in particular, was a gift that Mini-Dew gave to her dear step-brother; it was a big hit with everyone, a 7' inflatable, water-launched rocket, which soared about 100' into the air. Even the neighbors enjoyed this one. I mean, look at it!! My wonderful groom stands over 6', and my dear son is 5'11". It towers over them... ...and then, with just a pint of water and some pressure....KA-BLEWY!! To the moon!!! In this case, it was divinely timed. When I looked up to shoot a picture of the gigantic rocket soaring through the air, I noticed a sky phenomenon, a special love note from God... a Circumzenithal arc, truly a rare treat! It was short-lived after noticing it, but perfectly timed for an intercept.So, it's back to the grind for me now... belly full of... CHOCOLATE, and I am ready to work. Glad it's a short week!Good tidings...


  1. a happy holiday season to you!
    i have been away for a while and not been posting...but, back now.
    loved your post. and of course...the pup is adorable.
    have a blessed and prosperous new year.

  2. Merry Christmas to you all!

    That was an awesome shot with the rocket.


Dew comment, please...