The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sky Watch Friday brought to you by Dewdrop

Unfortunately, the IT Nazis still have their noose held tightly around my neck.  I am still held prisoner in my cement block office, and I still cannot visit blogs, sign up for Sky Watch Friday or even update my own blog in conventional ways without a tremendous amount of hassle and grief, so I am going to just share a sky shot today that makes me happy for this beloved Sky Watch Friday event. 
Yep, the crawler shot with the magnificent purple sky definitely brings a smile to my face.  Hopefully it will do the same for you!
Hope your day is grande.


  1. I do hope someone can rid your world of the IT Nazi and soon!! But it hasn't lessened the beauty of your photos and this one is mind boggling! What a color and the lightening ! Amazing! Have a great weekend!


  2. That is a pretty neat shot. I hope our ITs don't get afflicted with the same virus that affected yours.

    Have a great weekend.

  3. Whoa! Beautiful & dramatic capture! =)

  4. It's a terrific shot. So beautiful! Happy SWF!


  5. W.O.W.!!!!!!!!! You have captured a shot I have tried to SO often, and never accomplished!!! TOTALLY AWESOME Capture!!! Great job...and good luck with getting that noose off! ;-)

  6. Wow, that's an excellent capture of lightning. I've only managed to get a shot once and had to take a frame from video to do that.

  7. Great shot, excellent timing. Have a wonderful weeken.

  8. What a stunning capture!

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Amazing photography indeed. Looks like a promise in the making.

    Please have a nice Friday.

    daily athens

  10. Cool capture of the lightning. I hope your computer problems are fixed soon. Happy skywatching!

  11. Great capture of the lightning..

  12. Great capture! It's thunderstorm season here in Colorado too, hopefully I can catch a couple of good lightning shots this year.

  13. I LOVE lightening! What a wonderful capture. We never see skies like this around the San Francisco Bay Area!

  14. It's so amazing!

    I can't say anything else.

  15. Wau! Olitpa vikkelä. Itse en saanut salamaa kiinni kuvaan.

  16. Great picture for SkyWatch. Hope your problems are over soon. Would have liked some dramatic pictures of the tornado.

  17. I have similar problems at my place of employment.

    This is a great skywatch shot in any case! Amazing sky!

  18. I've tried but never managed to get a good lightning shot. We don't get it around here often and it mostly occurs late at night a long ways across the water. Maybe you can send a bolt to charge up your IT guys to get things done. - Margy

  19. awesome shot! i've never tried shooting at lightning--it's an exciting subject. thanks for sharing.


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