The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Nothing to see here...

Here's what the NWS has to say about the upcoming weather: ON FRIDAY A SHORT WAVE TROUGH (CURRENTLY OVER THE ROCKIES) MAY TAP INTO JUST ENOUGH DEEP LAYER MOISTURE TO PRODUCE A FEW SHOWERS. WE EXPECT A SLIGHT CHANCE OF RAIN IN OUR SOUTH CENTRAL GA AND EASTERN FL BIG BEND ZONES AS THIS AREA WILL BE CLOSER TO THE BEST Q-G FORCING AND MOISTURE. TEMPERATURES WILL CONTINUE A BIT ABOVE AVERAGE. IT SHOULD BE BE NOTED THAT A BACKDOOR COLD FRONT WILL MOVE INTO CENTRAL GA (JUST NORTH OF OUR FORECAST AREA) ON FRIDAY. SOMETIMES THE NUMERICAL GUIDANCE DOES NOT HANDLE THESE SHALLOW SYSTEM VERY WELL...AND THE COOL AIRMASS (AND ACCOMPANYING LOW CLOUD DECK) CAN MAKE IT FARTHER SOUTH THAN FORECAST... BUSTING HIGH TEMPERATURE FORECASTS BY SEVERAL DEGREES. WE ARE NOT FORECASTING THIS SCENARIO AT THIS TIME...BUT IT IS SOMETHING TO KEEP AN EYE ON. Well, when I said boring, I meant BORING. Tutt, tutt, it looks like rain and that's about it. I'm not complaining, we can definitely use the rain, but the weather has hit a major lull... again, good for the folks in recovery, but what a drag for the storm chasers who are chomping at the bit to get some action, especially after the preview last week. If that is an indication of this year's severe weather season, it might be a wild ride. I, of course, don't wish devastation on anyone (my heart aches for those who have suffered as a result of these... or any other storms for that matter), a nice tornado over a vacant field would suit me quite well. Unfortunately, this area does have a much higher population density than out in the Plains states, so when storms hit here, the potential for destruction is much higher, but that makes the role of a storm spotter in this area that much more critical to helping to protect the safety of life and property... The sooner a spotter can relay a message to the NWS, Emergency Management, the media, the sooner people can be warned to seek shelter, get out of harm's way, and, therefore, the more lives are spared. This is why I am so intent on making certain that a spotter class occurs in the near future in this area. I guess I can get off my band wagon now...

Off to take care of my day...

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