The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Public Severe Weather Outlook

Can you say expanded moderate risk area...?! And suddenly, Dew finds herself back in the game!!! Woohoo! I'll keep my eye on it, camera in hand. Since I won't have a computer, I'll have to count on the kindness of others to keep me in the know... ;-) It looks to be chasing me... Should be an intersting night. I wish my flight wasn't at the butt crack of dawn... NEAR-SFC BASED SUPERCELLS ALONG RETREATING WARM FRONT CERTAINLY BEAR WATCHING AS TORNADO POTENTIAL IS INCREASING ALONG THIS CORRIDOR. Coolness!!



  1. Looks like a couple of tornadoes dropped in SE Alabama today. I do see a few SVR for SW GA, but looks rather linear. At least it's rain! After our vicious drought here in TX and the S Plains the past couple of years, I know how much of a blessing it is to get some soaking rains. I hope ya'll get a good "turd floater" and "frog strangler" outta this one. ;-)

    Have fun in Vegas!!!

  2. I saw Robert today and he wanted me to tell you Friday night in Dallas the hotel ordered everyone to the center of the building and he saw a huge funnel cloud. (I guess 1 of 4) He thought about you and how he did not have to chase the storms because they came to him..


Dew comment, please...