The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Smoke is dense from the GA/FL Fires

Well, we attended a pool party tonight and all was well until the smoke showed up... who invited the doggone smoke, and dense smoke, at that? I'd put visibility at under 1/4 of a mile with it... it was that thick. It made everyone's eyes burn and lungs hurt. It has grown progressively worse through the night, too. Poor Mini-Dew was really struggling, as smoke is a terrible irritant for her, often making her very sick. We are actually under a Dense Smoke Advisory here until 8:00 in the morning... but considering the satellite captures including the awesome shot posted by OSEI, it shouldn't be a surprise. The smoke is evident on all the satellite presentations I've seen. That fire is burning out of control. As thick as that smoke is this far out, my heart really goes out to the folks in the middle of it.

Weather has been rather bizarre lately. I don't know what's going on... Andrea did, in fact, lose her gusto. She still has some associated convection on the southern side, but she's not terribly impressive, just a remnant of what once was. She certainly offered up a good tease... crazy chick. With some sea breeze interaction, hopefully, she at least offered Jeff a little something this evening/tonight. Noticed some isolated cells up in North Georgia this afternoon... there they go, stealing our thunder... Kansas/Missouri's flooding. Fires popping up everywhere. Tornadoes out the wazoo. Monstrous-gargantuan hail storms... a May STD... It truly is a crazy weather year, but it's an interesting ride. I hope that God sees fit to actually offer us the forecasted rain this weekend. There are slight POPS forecasted in Orlando, so I am not too concerned, shouldn't ruin things too badly. Here's hoping.

I'd better crawl into bed. I've got to rise and shine early in the AM, so I need to get some beauty rest. Again... don't know when I'll be able to make it back on to the blog. It would be really cool if they had a place for parents to escape (i.e. a blog updating station), but who knows. If that's the case, I'll be certain to include pics of the place.

Good night,

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