The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Saturday, July 21, 2007


Boy, I am delayed today... I was working on some cards this morning, indulging in my other hobby for a spell... scrapbooking. I enjoyed myself. Let me bring you up to speed. I'll try to save some for tomorrow AM as well. Yeah, I think I'll save tonight's CHASE update for tomorrow morning... (for a preview, hit the team blog, as I got a little info out there about it.) Well, I showed you on Friday before I left my office that the bowing MCS was falling apart just before getting to my neck of the woods, classic Dewvoid... there was one little cell that produced a nice gust front for me, and on the way home, I stopped to shoot some pictures of a baby cell, I could see off to my northwest. It was nice. I was irritating the fool out of Mini-Dew though who wanted me to quickly get home and cook her some supper... Sorry, summer means chasing in the afternoons/evenings... life as a chaser's daughter is the pits... Poor thing, my heart just breaks for her. I didn't spend too long on that. There was no lightning firing, so all I had was the cool structure. So I headed home, and on my way home was treated to the rainbow, and you can actually see it in my shot. I have more pics of that I'll post tomorrow, but I had to share... I did end up going to the Potter midnight book release. I stood in the longest line ever, but after midnight, it was very quickly through. I've read 3 chapters so far, so no, I don't know what happens, so don't be telling me, cause I don't want to know! Not as many in costumes, as I had hoped, so, no pictures. Oh well.

Today, I worked on scrapbooking, and then I went to eat with my dear Winder friend and our sweet NY friend, who came to visit and eat and NY friend's favorite restaurant. After that is when I heard the thunder rolling in. I did a quick radar check, got a good sense outside of what was happening, grabbed my camera and headed out. No lightning shots, but I had a great time. I will post more pics tomorrow, and explain a little more about my chase. I am headed to beddy-by... Oh, I should point out that as I write this blog, I am being treated to the rhythmic sound of pouring rain, with some occassional distant thunder rumbling for good measure. What a splendid way to cap off the night. Here is the radar capture of what's going on right now as I happen to be blogging. The bulk is to my east, and boy, can we ever use the rain. It's such a heavenly sound. Like a sweet lullaby...


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