The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Friday, September 21, 2007

We might eventually have Jerry...

The big story today is the apparent tornado that struck Eustis, FL. I saw some video of the damage there, pretty significant. The SPC was right on with their MD yesterday. Looks like it was right in there. I could see the rotation in those cells on radar yesterday, but they were much farther south than here. As for ol' 93L, looks like it's really pulling it together now, after traipsing through the Floridian peninsula and dropping a nader or two, it has emerged into the GOM with a much more clearly defined (IMO) center of circulation, which appears to be developing convection around it. Looks to me like 93L wants to try and become tropical. Now that it is over those warm Gulf waters, subtropical or tropical classification shouldn't be too far off. Those storm bands are dropping some good much needed rain, some strong winds (LL called this morning to talk about the rain and howling wind last night), and, of course, a possible tornado. The panhandle looks to be the main target today, but given it's proximity to here, I expect to see some action here today. It'll be here and there, so I will need to keep an eye on radar. It is highly dependent upon what 93L does.

I posted earlier in the week about the graphical hazardous weather outlook feature being added to the NWS site. Currently, it is not fully deployed, but expect that to be out there on Monday. Currently, there is a fabulous training presentation posted on their site that Kelly made to get people familiar with the new product.

It's Friday, and I don't even have any yard work to do!!



  1. Look out for the isolated tornadoes! Sounds like a good chasetunity. Charges those batteries and make sure your memory card is empty!


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