The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!!

The Easter Bunny opted to hide the eggs inside our house last night, which was a welcome relief from the cold weather. It's actually a tradition that I carry with me from my early childhood in Boston. Oftentimes, our Easter weather was less than desirable for outdoor egg hunting, so we had our egg hunts inside, and since they were inside, the Easter Bunny used plastic eggs filled with money (bonus) to prevent spoilage of any unfound hard-boiled eggs. It works, and it has been passed on to the next generation. Mini-Dew found all 48 of her eggs in a very short period of time... and then we enjoyed a tradional cinnamon roll breakfast. It doesn't get much better than that. I hope that everyone has an enjoyable Easter! Time for me to get ready for church. Don't want to be late. Seating is a premium on Easter.

Update: This afternoon's AFD really gets more detailed with the forecast for that next storm system's arrival... According to Jeff:
THERE IS A CONCERN ABOUT SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS ON TUESDAY NIGHT OR WEDNESDAY AS THE WARM FRONT MOVES INLAND AND THE CAPE AND VERTICAL WIND SHEAR INCREASE. SUCH SYSTEMS CAN POSE A TORNADO THREAT DUE TO THE INCREASED 0-1 KM SHEAR IN THE VICINITY OF THE FRONT. Yep, folks, if I didn't live in the weather abyss, I might be getting interested right about now..... ;-) I'll keep you posted. Some big news out of Tallahassee... the low max temp record of 100 years was broken over the last two days... Thanks, Tim for that report.

Happy Easter!


  1. Hey, thanks Mike! Happy Easter to you, too!

    Sadly, I am spending mine learning more about the Skew-T... Mixing Condensation Level (MCL), very exciting stuff.

  2. Wow - Skew-T I'm impressed! You know your a true wx nut when reading up on Skew-Ts on a holiday evening.

  3. That, or just plain nuts. lol I'm actually finding Skew-T analysis rather interesting. I didn't realize all the determinations that can be made by simply using the Skew-T. Excellent forecasting tool. Makes me appreciate weather sounding balloons that much more.

    I took a break after that to watch the last part of the Planet Earth series that you raved about. It was amazing to me how the videographer was able to get so close to what occurs. I saw the part with the lions and the elephant. Pretty phenomenal.


Dew comment, please...