The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Monday, April 16, 2007

I'm in Vegas, BABY!!!

Well, since I'm still on Eastern time, and it's 3:43 on the East coast, I am going to attempt to keep this brief...

Had a great flight over... got to see the Rocky Mountains and the highest range in Arizona... that's the pic. We had an excellent pilot who was kind about pointing out scenic attractions. Of course, I was on the wrong side for seeing the Grand Canyon... you know how that goes... experiencing some slight vertigo from the flight, but it's not bad.

Let me just say right off the bat that CELINE was INCREDIBLE!!! Hands down, the best show that I have ever seen! She sang the slow version of "A New Day" to start things off, which was the perfect way to start it. One of her songs was set to a time lapsed thunderstorm video feed with magnificent CG. "I Surrender", my favorite... moved me to tears... she has such an amazingly powerful voice. I am so thrilled to have had the pleasure of experiencing that show. I highly recommend it, and it's her last year, so you'd better get there soon! AWESOME! 2 hours of nothing but GOOD!

Today, I visited the Bellagio (saw the fountains and ate the buffet there), Caesar's Palace, The Venetian, the Wynn, and Treasure Island. There was so much to see. It was truly overwhelming to my senses, especially after flying out of ATL at 8:30 AM. I can't believe I'm up now.. Tomorrow, I have work sessions, and then, I'll hit the strip again. Don't know what our plans are... It actually rained on us walking back to our hotel, and I found out upon our return to the hotel, that one of my co-workers won $2500 on the quarter slots while we were at the concert... I am not so lucky... I have lost $8, but at one point, I was up $0.70... lol

Oh, and Tony Laubach sent me the video of the Seymour Wedge from Friday. Y'all need to check it out if you haven't... IT ROCKS! Thanks for sharing that link, Tony! Saturday's event turned out to mostly be a bust.. a few storm reports (thanks Tim for the update) came in, and a team is going in for damage assessment later today, but all in all a much less intense event than what was forecasted. (The Rick Curse strikes again!)

I am fixin' to head to bed. I am pooped. I'm not going to check weather or anything. I am just going to post and hit the sack... night y'all.



  1. and what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas..;-)

  2. You know that's right... ;-)

  3. You passed over my home state of Arizona. :o)

  4. I did, the snow capped ranges there were just beautiful from above. I only wish that someone would do a better job of cleaning the windows on these planes, so my shots from above would be clearer, or perhaps, they could offer a section of the plane that has clean windows for people to take pics... lol I can dream, right?


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