The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Talk about a room with a view


  1. Oh really? Well mine has Gibson Ridge, GPS guidance, 220hp and is parked on an overlook watching mesos go by.. ...;-P lolololol.

    Hope your having fun!

  2. Y'all pardon my blog posts... TV internet is terrible. I hope to fix it when I get to Vegas... Bear with me.

  3. Har har Rick...

    I think I have figured a way to say what I want. I can't blog from this rididulous TV internet gizmo, ao I'll just use my comments to say what I want. I am in ATL,was greeted with some ferocious winds that I was able to lean into... thn the rain began. I have an awesome view of the runways at the airport from my room. I have seen the horizon light up a few times with some sporadic lightning, but there hasn't beena nything too substantial... a quick update with Jay and a glance at TWC was enough to show me that I am no longer in the strike zone.. oh well... I need to sleep anyway... have a busy day tomorrow. Gosh, pardon the typos, but I refuse to go back and correct them... keys are sticking, and I can only backspace to go back... UGH! I've been watching planes take off and lad since returning from dinner... Looks like tstms might greet me in Vegas tomorrow... lightning shots in the mountains would be very cool. I hope I have better interet options in Vegas. Night y'all.


    P.S. Rick, if you go after that second line,be careful.

  4. Safe trip Dew! Boy your at the airport in ATL. You down the road from TWC.. Stop in and see Jim LOL.

    We just got from the breezy night time beach. Winds about 25-30mph out of the southeast, which is the Caribbean. Awesome ocean smell tonight. All this wind fetch feeding into the developing Southeast low pressure to be the nor easter tomorrow.

  5. Not going after nothing. good coverage but nothing worth going after tonight. Been a rough day and i am so tired. Strong storms are going to come through but nothing to get excited over...You aint missing anything Dew..Have great time!

  6. Sorry, you didn't have anything and that you had a rough day. I am having a great day!!! Celine was awesome!!!

  7. JG, If I were the only one traveling, it would have been cool to stop... nothing like a trip to the local NWS to get the juices flowing.

  8. Please Jeff..Dont get her started..We will be here for hours. ;-)

  9. No fair picking on me when I'm not around to defend myself.


Dew comment, please...