The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Saturday, May 12, 2007


I wanted to post several of my smoke pics to give y'all a sense of what we drove through... these are just north of Lake City at about 10AM... from Jasper to Lake City was the worst!!!

Here's the accident that we actually were not too far behind... we were there before EMTs and police. Everyone was OK.

And of course, here are some of the facility, which is downright amazing. The kids are having a total blast, and I have enjoyed my pool-side drink service... Mmmm... Mudslides. I am about to head back to the pool to watch the pool side feature, Ice Age 2... they inflated a big screen and some people are watching from the pool. The do bulk sliming out of a huge bucket that dumps from time to time slime instead of water... Hubby signed us up for a show tomorrow, so we'll be in that... should be fun... The kids made tie-dyed shirts today, and tomorrow, I get to pie Mini-Dew and Hubby, and boy have I been taking pictures...
shock of the century, right???? As Jeff pointed out, there is some convection building overhead. Hopefully, it won't rain on the movie, but if it does, it's much needed... I hope South Georgia/North Florida get some of it... It is much needed as you can see from my pics.

That's it for me for tonight!

Have a great night!!!


  1. The Dew's in a slight Risk in FL. LOL

    I'm targeting area's from Orlando southward to the Lake Today.

  2. After dark lightning storms just north of Valdosta tonight. Wouldn't you know it!

    Boundary sagging south with storms on it now.

    I had one huge severe storm go up just west of me with large hail. Tomorrow looks more active over much of Florida storm wise.

    Enjoy those drinks!

  3. Cough...cough...Smokey! wow great pics! That also looks like a kids heaven...

  4. Sorry guys... for some reason the comments didn't post like they were supposed to. Reports here are that I-75 is still closed, and I am hopeful that some of the much needed and due rain will take care of what the limited resources haven't been able to do with the fire.

    Jeff, Slight risk... Go me!!! Boy, do I have a story about the back up home!! Definitely enjoyed the drinks today... Happy Mothers' Day to me!!!

    Mike, I know... super smokoe filled! I totally dread the return trip.


Dew comment, please...