The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Well, by golly, if I can't chase storms, I'll chase armadillos and the moon!!!

OK, so while my entire chase team was out in stormy wx, I was in my back yard taking pictures of the moon... and I caught a nice little armadillo scavenging around in the neighbor's yard... Absolutely no lightning, whatsoever! If that's not a wx curse, I don't know what it is... just sick injustice... the Dewvoid is alive and well. Be sure to check out Rick's blog, with his phenomenal Southwest Georgia CG, Carolina Mike's blog, which might very well eventually have cool pictures posted... but if not, you can hit the Weather Brigade team blog for his cg pic... then, there is Jeff, who is always where it's at... and Jay (Dr. BS) who was driving into some action last night, but I haven't heard about how that went... last but not least, Alabama Mike , who shared this little tidbit with me...

An astronomical treat is in store for us tonight!

If you have a clear eastern sky this evening, the moon will be huge. But if you took a photo of it, it wouldn’t be any larger than any other full moon.

It looks larger because of the converging lines of trees and buildings on the horizon and its closeness to the horizon.
... which seems perfectly timed after my practice shooting the moon last night. I guess I'd better get to my little whoto survey of my moon/armadillo shoot. It was my first time really shotting the moon. My moon shots haven't ever come out before... so it was nice to get some nice ones... I actually used a tripod. Go Dew! Here is my photo study of the moon. I had a great time shooting this!!! So, I hope you enjoy it!And... of course we can't forget the dear old armadillo... very cute little guy...
This being a weather blog, I guess I should talk about the weather some. Looks like another shot today... but given that the Dewvoid is alive and well, I will probably not have anything, but if I do, you know I'm on it. Looks like Carolina Mike has another slight risk again today, lucky dog... It looks like tomorrow is my big chance day. That and Monday as a weak cold front makes its way into this area... woohoo, I might have some really awesome stuff on those days. I guess it's a wait and see type thing... if I can and there is something, I will chase...

Update: Oh looky, looky what we have here... Do I have a chase opportunity coming up today???? No way!!! If I can chase, I will. I sure hope I can get some lightning. Wouldn't that be awesome?!

Happy Saturday!!!


  1. You should get something today Dew! Happy chasing and be safe!

  2. Very nice what kind of lighting did you use?
    Happy hunting hope the dewvoid curse is lifted!! I still havnt seen anything that great myself, but have been blessed with some quick afternoon thundershowers.

  3. 6:45PM and nothing yet... We'll see...

  4. Awesome moon pictures!!

  5. Oh, and Jess, I used the light of the moon... that was all...

    Nicole, Thanks!!!


Dew comment, please...