Well, as you see, much of the country was covered in freezing cold temperatures again this morning, with much of Georgia and Florida dealing with, yet another day of, much colder temperatures than what we are accustomed to...What an exceptionally cold winter we have had so far, with too many periods of longer than normal freezing conditions. In fact, on Thursday, some records were broken for low temperatures on that date within the County Warn Area for NWS-Tally. Look at my poor little rain gauge... all covered in frosty twirls. This is not what a rain gauge in south Georgia should look like, but it is pretty indicative of how cold the dew is...
Fortunately, we are in for a temperature rebound soon. Great googaly moogaly, there is even a small area outlined with a slight risk for severe weather on the day 3 outlook. Way to go, Steve M., TX! Lucky dog.
Speaking of severe weather, it's time for me to discuss the next topic during Georgia's Severe Weather Awareness Week... FLOODING! According to the National Weather Service:
Many people do not know this, but flooding kills more people than any other weather hazard.

A mere six inches of fast-moving flood water can knock over an adult. It takes only two feet of rushing water to carry away most vehicles. This includes pickups and SUVs... and there is no telling how deep it is just looking at it! People have a tendency to underestimate the power and force of moving water.
Flash floods are usually caused by slow moving thunderstorms or thunderstorms that move over the same area one after the other. These floods usually occur within 6 hours of heavy rainfall and are usually more life threatening as a result. Areas most prone to floods are mountainous streams and rivers, urban areas, low-lying areas, storm drains, and culverts.What can you do to protect yourself and your loved ones from Flooding? (Thanks for asking!)
River flooding is caused by the gradual increase in the water level of river or creek. These floods usually occur seasonally with general rains, or with heavy rainfall from tropical systems. A good example of this flooding is the flooding that affected south Georgia after Tropical Storm Alberto in 1994.
1. Know what to listen for.
A Flood Watch or a Flash Flood Watch means that conditions have been detected that could lead to flooding of a certain area. A River Flood Warning or a Flash Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent and you should take action immediately. You can monitor the weather radio or any local radio or TV station to get the latest information.
2. If flooding occurs get to higher ground.
3. Avoid areas already flooding, especially if the water is fast flowing.
Do not attempt to cross flowing streams. Road beds may be washed out due to the flooding. Never try to cross flooded roadways. Turn Around Don't Drown™!!
4. If your vehicle is suddenly caught in rising water, leave it immediately and seek higher ground. Turn Around Don't Drown™!!
5. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to see flood dangers. Turn Around Don't Drown™!!
6. Turn Around Don't Drown™!!
Yep, that covers it!
Have a great weekend!
Extreme variation in climate here in Australia. Melbourne had their hottest day ever and North Queensland had storms and floods. Still hot here in Adelaide (and very dry).
ReplyDeleteGreat photo of the rain gage. Trying to count the rain drops is so much more complicated up north with the snow factor.