The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Friday, October 27, 2006

Nothing to see here...

Unfortunately, the view provided (in the direction I needed to be looking) at Hahira friend's house was just as obscured as the view from my house, except, I was sitting there with no radar, no real knowledge of what was happening with the system, just the persistent babble of the weather band which wasn't giving me any hope of things to come, all marine warnings... stuff on the coast. Blah, blah, blah... not that there was anything to see...

Now, I am home, with radar and local discussions and forecasting. (I definitely need a laptop or a sophisticated GPS with weather radar (real time) and a scanner and a mobile radio and a handheld radio... That means I'll need to start accepting donations... because after hubby's gears in the axle being rebuilt and with Christmas fast approaching, one thing I lack is money... Oh well, dare to dream, I suppose. I know I don't like being out there without eyes on radar. It made me feel awfully vulnerable.

There is currently one pretty intense line headed in this direction, not really a big one, but it's there. It's fast approaching. Currently, it is just to the southwest moving northeast. The eastern motion is faster than the northern motion, so we shouldn't experience it for too long, but it should be a good one for a minute. Of course, it's dark outside, so it'll just be an inconvenience if anything... grumble...

Well, today has turned out to be a real downer. I know, I know, rule #1, I will continue to wait for the "perfect storm". It will come, someday... I hope...

Anyway, I'm safe. All is well. Haunted house tomorrow!!!

Until next time...

P.S. 8:40 update... NOTHING! We got NOTHING! Truly the curse of the chaser...(insert sad frowny face here...) Tornadoes south of us. Tornado watch to the east of us. Squall line was headed right toward us, but NOTHING! Nada! Zilch!

Oh well, maybe next time (she says through gritted teeth). I am trying my very best to be patient.

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