The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Thursday, November 09, 2006

El Nino...

This weather... is depressing. I suppose non-existent is a better descriptive word for this severe weather season. I blame el nino, whoever he is.

Hubby got a disturbing letter that arrived while he was gone to Myrtle Beach. I didn't open it because it was addressed to him, but it was from the office that did his annual physical. They report that because of abnormal test results that he see his primary care physician immediately. I can only hope that if it were that dire that they would have called, and that maybe the issue is something his PCP is already dealing with... Scary.

As for everything else... Have a game tonight for darling daughter and pictures, so she is missing practice. I expect that the parents there will be sufficiently shocked. I didn't tell any of them about my hair or even my intentions with my hair... That'll be fun. I'm bothered that the temp spread is 30 degrees between day and night... What is this the desert?! That's getting sick weather.

I took some pics of the sunset yesterday. I'll have to post later. I am buried in paperwork.


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