The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Makes a Dewdrop Proud...

Darling daughter is a budding weather enthusiast. This morning, while I was watching the news, the weather report came on, and Mini-Dew planted herself in front of the TV to watch the report. They showed the forecast on the map, and I heard her say, "Yep, looks like Friday." My darling daughter was able to quickly pinpoint our location and determine that our weather event should be here Friday (there just happen to be 70% POPS with TSTMS likely on Friday), not only that, but she took enough of an interest in it, to sit there and watch the report. It brought tears to my eyes... Can you say, future storm chaser???? I might have a team yet, folks.

Impressive system out in the midwest, blizzard warnings have been issued... just hearing that made me cringe, haunted by the memory of walking home from school in a near blizzard when I was little. The snow piles were taller than me. I don't miss that weather one bit. The cold front coming through is forecast to stall just west of us, leaving areas of low pressure ahead of the front sitting on top of us, causing instability, which means, yes, yes, THUNDERSTORMS!!! I said it. We're going to get weather, and I am looking forward to having some opportunities to shoot some lightning. My only wish is that I had an SLR... Santa, did you hear that??? lol... I know, I know, it was a video camera this year. I also wish that it were better timed. I hate weather events that occur during periods where a lot of people are on the roads. It's just not a good combination. Fortunately/unfortunately, they aren't really using the "S" (severe) word to describe the storms..., but that's 3 days out... SPC does have some talk about supercells in their text... Good thing because my SDS is in high gear.

The long awaited Christmas forecast: clearing skies, temperatures mild, should be a reasonably nice day, probably a little warmer than what would feel like Christmas weather, but, welcome to South Georgia, you know?


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