The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Friday, March 02, 2007

Big Night...

Storm reports out the wazoo... What a night... I am so tired right now, but it's my own fault, so... no belaboring that point. ST2 got a piece of the action intercepting a HP Supercell (SUPERCELL!) in Baker County, where 6 fatalities occured as a suspected tornado swept through a mobile home park. Americus seemed to be the big story where the hospital, ambulance service, Red Cross and fire department were hit with a tornado... Sort of a sick irony in that scenario... We had warnings firing off all over in the wee hours of this morning. I almost had the chance to expereience it without having to go anywhere... I really don't want to bring it home with me, though... In the end, our event was only strong winds, torrential rain (1.4" this morning), and heavy lightning... I didn't get any hail. I didn't see any tornadoes (relieved since I was home...) I stayed up till all hours watching it all roll in with Jay helping me to see various structure elements. I don't like night time events, especially with HP.

I wish I could have chased, but I don't feel comfortable with the night events, especially for a first chase... I need to get a few day time chases under my belt first... and alone at night, even a worse idea. I need a chase team. I am currently accepting applications for the position of chase partner. Anyone interested?

Tomorrow, I drive to JAX for an event. I am not going to attend the quarterly skywarn meeting at NWS... I am not going to get the opportunity to stay and possibly do some damage assessment, but I didn't know all this would be happening when I ordered those tickets... Maybe next time...

I'd better get going... yawn...



  1. Hello!
    This work is very good
    Thank you

  2. Davis,

    Thanks for stopping by and for the compliment... El "blog" de ti es mucho bueno... que bonito es...



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