The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Boy, am I glad to be home!!!

Well, this was my view on the way home from Newark yesterday... It was amazing the cloud tops that I got to experience. I took a ton of pictures, but since I am swamped today playing catch up, I decided to just share my favorite. I was relieved to see this because Newark revealed just a nasty, grey, cloud-covered sky, and we flew for a little while in that. When I saw this view though, I immediately grabbed my camera. We were cruising at 37,000 feet, and it was truly breathtaking. Had one extremely disappointing moment during the flight, though. The doggone pilot announced that out the left side of the plane, there was an excellent view of the launch-pad at the Kennedy Space Center... you can guess where I was... on the right side, of course. Couldn't he have made a little circle over the area, so I could have had my photo op??? Sheesh... Customer Service just isn't what it used to be. I can't complain too much though, at least I had a window for all my spectacular cloud shots...

I tell you, there is nothing like being on a plane watching Direct TV when they have a breaking news story announcing that 85 people at the airport you just left were being quarantined for experiencing flu-like symptoms... good grief. Fortunately, it was another airline and an international flight, so more than likely not coming through terminal I had just left.

Well, I'm getting back into the groove quickly. I haven't been reading our AFD's too much while I've been gone, in the interest of time, but I'm back to that now... just in time for more boring weather, right...?
THE CIRRUS HAS BECOME QUITE THICK OVER THE REGION...SO FILTERED SUNSHINE IS PROBABLY THE BEST WE CAN DO FOR MUCH OF THE DAY. TEMPS WILL STILL BE QUITE WARM AND SHOULD STILL REACH AT LEAST THE LOWER 80S DUE TO THE HIGH LAUNCHING PADS FROM THIS MORNING. (Launching pads.... yeah go ahead and rub it in, my missed May be a nice day to catch the sun if the clouds work out right... as if I don't have enough pics on my camera to sort through right now. Texas is getting rain, rain and more rain. All weekend, I saw that area in red for severe weather outlooks... must be nice... my SDS is getting the better of me. The next prospect for us appears to be Thursday, where the guys state that: THERE WILL BE ANOTHER BACKDOOR COLD FRONT SLIDING OUR
DIRECTION FROM THE CAROLINAS. WHILE THIS FEATURE WILL BE SLOW TO MOVE IN UNTIL AFTER SUNSET THURSDAY...THERE IS SOME CONCERN SOME POPS WILL NEED TO BE INSERTED BACK INTO THE FORECAST THURSDAY EVENING IF THIS SYSTEM CAN GARNER ENOUGH LIFT TO BREAK THROUGH THE MID LEVEL RIDGE. Though the wording doesn't illicit much hope in me... it at least mentions rain, which we are in desperate need of, so I'll take it... now, just add lift, right?...and for the weekend... boy, have I missed Kelly's AFDs I WILL KEEP A MENTION OF POPS IN THE FORECAST FOR SATURDAY/SUNDAY...BUT NOT MENTION THUNDER. Wouldn't it be cool to have spotter training during a weather event... could you bring that with you, Kelly... the weather, I mean? lol.

I'd better get going. Much to do... Have a great day! It's good to be home.


  1. Great flight photo! Nice blue sky with convective tops.

  2. Thanks, JG! I must have looked like the paparazzi the way I was snapping off shots. It's just so beautiful from above, I simply couldn't help myself. I just wish the windows were a little cleaner... and that I wasn't sitting over the wing.



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