The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Rough night...

Well, I have decided to take the morning off... my dear son called me last night from the emergency room, where his girlfriend was. She has a severe kidney infection, but my son asked me to come and sit with him because her mom tends to over-exaggerate problems, which makes my dear son think that things are worse than they actually are, which causes him to panic. Anyway... many hours later, I returned home at 3:00AM, so needless to say, when my 5 alarm clocks (yes, 5...) went off this morning, I casually ignored every single one of them. My body was not responsive. I don't remember even hearing them. All I know is that I woke up at 8:25 and kicked it in to high gear to get hubby and Mini-Dew up and out. Oops. The good news is that I feel well rested. The bad news is that I am so far behind on everything... that I feel swamped... I always make time to blog though. lol

As I predicted, yesterday revealed a beautiful sunset, but I was entirely too busy to stop and shoot, and then the wrench came with dear son's call... on top of my already busy life.

You can see above that things are really kicking up in the Plains. They are looking at a good shot at a tornado outbreak. The SPC has issued a PUBLIC SEVERE WEATHER OUTLOOK even. Lucky dogs! All you chasers out there, be safe. It looks like a good one. One of these days... it'll be me chasing an event like this one. Until that time comes, I live out my days here in the "chasers' purgatory" offered in South Georgia and much of the south eastern US. Unfortunately, here we are resorting to such things as chasing dirt and trees in an effort to get our fix. We're all ready and rearing to go, just add storms... please.

This is a picture I took while we were leaving the island with the Statue of Liberty... It was so un New York-like that I decided to take it. I will probably post a few more of the New York pics over the next few days. So stay tuned... Aside from that, I am looking forward to spotter training on Saturday. It should be an excellent turnout. I have heard from many folks who are interested in attending, and one of the local Hams is actually bringing his 10 and 13 year old daughters who are interested. It's good to see interest at a young age. Also, on Saturday, I am probably going to get a good bit of radio gear, buying it off a friend of mine, who is upgrading his. The good news is that he'll teach me how to use it, too. One step closer...

I'd better finish getting ready and head out...

Have a great day!

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