The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Sunday, March 25, 2007

No tornadoes for me... just everywhere else.

Watching the weather this morning, Clovis, NM, was the highlighted city being hit by the ferocious storm that passed through on Friday. Clean up efforts appear to be underway, but they sustained lots of damage there. Yesterday, Colorado saw a few tornadoes, according to SPC reports, even a multiple vortex tornado... wiping up the drool... Currently, the SPC has the Northern Mississippi River Valley under a moderate risk with a 10% shot at tornadoes and parts of Texas and Oklahoma are under a slight risk. Of course, South Georgia, warm and sunny as usual... Here... 50 high, 40 low... mostly clear. Tomorrow, it is forecast to be a slight chance of showers... I hope it doesn't interfere with our flight plans... sigh. New York is a fun and unique experience. It's been nice to visit, but I wouldn't want to live here.

Shortly, we'll be leaving for lower Manhattan. I am excited about today, and of course, I am bundled up. Looks like it's going to be breezy, should be fun on the ferry over to Ellis Island and the Statue.... brrrr...

Later folks,


  1. We will be having lengthy meeting concerning the chase group idea after the Skywarn meeting on Saturday. I emailed Jay with some ideas, concerns, etc. Look forward to your ideas and input.


  2. Sounds good to me. See you then.



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