The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Possibly a while before I can blog again... so...

Talk about withdrawals... after today, I don't know when I'll get a chance to be on a computer until Tuesday. Maybe, I'll be staying at a hotel that offers short internet visits. If so, I might blog then... otherwise, I won't be able to update for a while. sigh. It's hard to imagine 4 days without a blog... I don't think it's been that long since I starting keeping this blog. Oh well, I'll survive. As for the pic... I figured, it's spring, time for some color in my blog.

Weather remains... you guessed it - BORING! More talk af the possibility for a little something in the near future:
EJECTING UPPER LOW WILL SHEAR OUT LATE IN THE WEEKEND AND SLIDE NORTH OF THE AREA MONDAY INTO TUESDAY. THIS MAY BEAT DOWN THE RIDGE ENOUGH FOR A FEW SHOWERS AND THUNDERSTORMS BUT NOT EXPECTING ANYTHING WIDESPREAD AS DYNAMICS ARE WEAK. Nothing I dispise more than weak dynamics. How unfair! That system in the plains has lost a lot of its pizazz, only a few, small embedded cells near the Kentucky/Illinois line, though a nice little pocket of storms is kicking up in the Texas panhandle heading into Oklahoma and Kansas. According to the newly issued MD (was it 320?):
NEW CONVECTIVE DEVELOPMENT IS ALREADY UNDERWAY ACROSS THE EASTERN TEXAS PANHANDLE INTO WESTERN OKLAHOMA. Some supercells (SUPERCELLS!) expected out of that but not much more. Again, it's a whole lot more than what we've got going on here...

That's all I've got. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! I'll update when I can.


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