The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Friday, March 23, 2007

I'm just a little black rain cloud...

Weirdest thing driving home today... it actually started to rain on me... granted it lasted all of 20 seconds, but it was rain. While sitting in traffic, I decided to whip out the camera and shoot the little black rain cloud that decided to leak on me, as well as capture some interesting CU's that struck my fancy.

Kelly had this to say... lol:
PRESSURE CONTINUES TO REMAIN IN CONTROL ACROSS THE REGION AT THE SURFACE AND ALOFT. AS A RESULT...NOT MUCH HAS CHANGED IN OUR WEATHER PATTERN. Don't we know it... things in the weather department are geting slightly redundant. It must bore those guys to tears. Some unfortunate weather related news, sea breeze circulation developed today, which helped create a fatal rip current in Walton County where there were two fatalities. Rip currents can be a very dangerous thing, obviously. With it being Spring Break, I'm sure the beaches are filled with college students having a good time, living it up. Here is some life saving information regarding rip currents from the NWS.To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

That's it for me. It's late. I am pooped, and it's an early morning for me.

Until I find a computer... Have a great night, day, weekend, etc.!


  1. Hello! And thank you for stopping by my blog.
    Your pictures are beautiful! which made me stop and comment! :-))

  2. Thanks for the visit KC and for the compliment!


  3. Thanks, Beth, and thanks for the return visit.



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