The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Thursday, March 15, 2007

A review of Jeff Gammons' Storm Chaser Blog...

Introducing Jeff Gammons, a serious, storm chasing, hurricane chasing videographer friend of mine, who also happens to chase dirt... (sorry Jeff, had to)... Every day I make it a point to visit Jeff's really awesome storm chasing blog site: Jeff's Storm Chasing Blog (it rocks!) Here you’ll find the latest on Florida, Plains and Hurricane chase expeditions, personal updates, the latest in ongoing weather events, and Weathervine, DVD, and stock video news. It's always a good read, and it's extremely informative and interesting, especially during severe weather events, which as everyone knows, happens to be my passion. Now, of all things, he is offering a free Hurricane DVD just for reviewing his blog... What a guy! You might consider visiting also his sister site WEATHERVINE.COM, which of course links to all his other great stuff... I do have to say that my favorite is the storm chasing blog, though... cause it's just really awesome.

Now, if you have followed the links like I have suggested, you will see that Jeff will also provide me with a link back after I write this review for him... I already have a link back, but more won't hurt, and hey, now you can get one by simply following suit. I am anxious to get my video, which I'm certain is awesome, as I have seen many samples from his videos throughout his blog. I only hope that one day, I will have the honor and privelege of joining his team on a chase or two and learning from one of the best. Whether a severe weather event or a hurricane (yes, ST2, a hurricane, and no, Jeff, not just to have a chance at meeting Jim Cantore, though that would be a BONUS), I would be thrilled to have that opportunity.

So, hopefully, this is 200 words, and it is what Jeff was looking for because I really need to get going... Counting... cool exceeded... cause I'm cool like that.

Oh, still watching today's weather... still unimpressed.



  1. What a suck up!!!!

  2. OK, hubby, anonymity is lost on you (eye roll)... I happen to have a free hurricane DVD on the way now. Thank you very much, which is technically a $15 savings to you. So pick on me all you want... :-P

    I personally thought the free hurricane DVD offer was a very cool idea.

    Anyway, HB, thanks for stopping by.



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