The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Friday, March 16, 2007

Chillin with the Dew

Rough morning... I hate it when I make really huge mistakes, and to have to deal with it on a Friday of all things... it's OK, though, I will fix it... sigh. What a mess I've made, and boy do I hate messes...

Anyway, looks like my family up in New England is getting slammed with a late season Nor'easter (of course I say that remembering a year when it snowed in May - we were at the beach one day, and it snowed the next. They say if you don't like the weather up there, just wait a minute), yet another strong reminder of why I live in South Georgia. I can't tell you the last time I saw snow, but I'm thinking it was in the 90's... and that's just fine with me. In fact, our temps are actually trending warmer than was originally forecast as that cold front just moves it on out... This is what the guys are saying:
RECENT TRENDS AND THE LATEST RUC HAVE THE COLD FRONT MOVING THROUGH TALLAHASSEE BY MID AFTERNOON... WHICH MEANS THAT THE SOUTHEAST PORTIONS OF OUR FORECAST AREA (MAINLY EAST OF A LINE FROM PANAMA CITY TO TIFTON) WILL GET WARMER THAN MOS IS FORECASTING...SO WE RAISED THE HIGH TEMPERATURE FORECAST ACCORDINGLY. So, it looks pretty good for my hectic day tomorrow... Early morning yard sale as another charity fundraiser... yes, another fundraiser... that is my life these days. Then, I get to revisit that military recreation facility where I shot some pictures before. I am hoping to be able to shoot some sunset pics over the main lake out there, but I don't know that I'll be out there that long... especially since now, I just got word from my critical hubby that I need a formal dress for my anniversary surprise next weekend... can you say TIME TO SHOP? The suspense is building.

Oh, and I heard about this watching the news this morning... a really funny thing that CNN headline news is doing now, where you can send questions, comments and pictures to the morning show meteorologist, Bob Van Dillen... They call it Chillin with Van Dillen. Too funny. I'll have to find something good to submit.

That's it for me. Thank goodness it's Friday!!!


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