The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Things are intense over Central Alabama... the storm has really come to life. I am keeping an eye there and another eye on a long-lived cell now tracking through Seminole County, GA, after coming through Jackson County, FL. It looks like a night event for us if anything... Guess, I'll check TLH : WARM FRONT WILL CONTINUE TO LIFT NORTHWARD THROUGH THE EVENING WITH THE COLD FRONT MOVING ACROSS THE AREA LATE TONIGHT. THROUGH THE EARLY EVENING HOURS...ISOLATED STRONG TO SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS WILL BE POSSIBLE. MODIFIED SOUNDING FROM THIS MORNING DID SHOW MODERATE INSTABILITY WITH CAPE VALUES EXCEEDING 1000 J/KG...MAINLY OVER THE WESTERN PORTIONS OF THE AREA. MAJOR THREATS WILL BE HAIL AND DAMAGING WINDS. GFS/NAM ARE HAVING TROUBLE WITH THE TIMING OF THE FRONTAL PASSAGE TONIGHT. GFS BRINGS THE FRONT THROUGH A FEW HOURS AFTER MIDNIGHT AND THE NAM BRINGS IT THROUGH THE AREA AROUND DAYBREAK. I have told my boss to keep her weather radio on tonight... I am looking at another 3 TVS's in Alabama, some strong, long-lived tornadic supercells. Alabama Mike, keep your eyes to the sky!



  1. yeah I have been watching this also nasty!

  2. Tornado was sighted near Warrior, just North of Birmingham earlier.

    Look out...I think it could get bad in S. GA this evening...

  3. I'll be keeping my eyes on it. Pretty intense!

  4. Ok...I cant resiwst this cell off to my west. It is starting to mock me...when in!

  5. Wow! That is one intense cell there on the AL/GA line in Russell/Chattahoochie counties! I'b bet an amber light bar that it drops a tornado. ;-) I hope Rick is on it!

  6. I knew you be watching that,I have to put my son in bes and i cant tear myself away!

  7. I totally missed that one in Chattahoochie... Computer problems... big time, just got off the phone with the cable company, turns out it was hubby's ridiculous killing game... yet again.

    Jess, I totally understand.

  8. Hey! I think my "ridiculous Killing game" is getting a bad rap!!!!!!!! But at least I'm not killing the weather like some people!!


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