The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Busy Day... everywhere but here...

Busy day today in weather world. Just look at those storm reports... and look at all of the ones in South Georgia... Oh, that's right, there aren't any! To top it all off, I get the unpleasant joy of going into work tomorrow and listening to everyone squawk at me for being wrong about the forecast. I have many, many desperate-for-rain co-workers who I told today that there should be some rain (which somehow becomes gospel)... but alas, how much did we get...? um, let's see... NONE! No rain. We had storms north of here, storms south, storms east and west, but here... NOT A DROP! Is that reasonable? I mean, Clinch County got rain, for crying out loud... and we got NOTHING! I am disturbed by this. I am beginning to feel like the weather is discriminating against me. It's not quite "The Rick Curse"... but it is something... some sort of wx vaccuum exists in my locale, and frankly, it sucks! It's all right, I can take the heat. It isn't the first time, I have fallen for all the signs pointing to something, with nothing resulting. Maybe, next time...

Good night, or should I say good morning...?


  1. Hey Dew...your time will come...maybe this weekend...

  2. Is severe weather forecasted for Vegas??? ;-) Nope, of course our best shot at severe weather means I won't be here... lol

  3. I know what mean, I think Where I live is covered by a bubble of some kind it seems all the great storms pss around me.....
    We saw rain last night, but all the good stuff was ether north or east of me.

  4. Countdown... 2 days. Woohoo!


Dew comment, please...