The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Here it comes...

So much going on, and my mind is just racing... first off, this is our mess rolling in. Pretty patchy, but the mess over Alabama is looking very intense, lots of strong cells, and it looks as if those two lines have almost completely converged into one thick line. Haven't been around much to really track it as I'd like to... Cloud cover here is thickening up as the line ahead of the front rolls in. It's almost game time... Let's see what happens.

Aside from that, I met with the acting EMA Director, lots of gov't ridiculousness going on as politics work through, but the bottom line is that he will be creating a position under him (fire chief) to handle all the EMA stuff, and if I want the job, I've got it. He will even sponsor me to get certified with GEMA as an EMA Director, so there you have it folks... looks like a good shot for me. If I want it, I've got it. There are about 15 on-line classes I can go ahead and work on to work toward it. I'm all over it... I guess you can stay tuned there, too...

Whew, I'm worn out... I need to chase now.



  1. HB. You are perfect for this job and you will be a great asset for our community. I am very proud of you!


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