The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Friday, April 06, 2007

Lunch by the creek...

I took the opportunity provided by this beautiful Good Friday and did a little exploration during my lunch hour. I decided to visit a local park, which has a creek (pronounced crick oftentimes in these parts... being that I'm a Yankee, it's a creek to me...) running through. Every morning, I drive by this creek during the heaviest of traffic, running too late to take a moment to stop, but I always tell myself that I will stop, one day and shoot a few pictures of this charming little creek running through the park. Well, today was the day... I grabbed some lunch to-go, and I found a parking spot near the park. I grabbed my camera and took a nice, quiet stroll, over an aged foot bridge (where I was nearly run over by a woman on a bicycle in a hurry...), to find the perfect spot to capture the scenery. It was so quiet and peaceful. There was a man tossing a frisbee with his dogs, a mother with a couple of small children laughing and squealing on the playground equipment, some older women sitting and chatting around a picnic table enjoying the soft breeze and cool temps, and of course, the crazy bicycle assassin. It offered a great opportunity for me to relax and unwind after a hectic week. It truly was serenity at its best. If I could have stayed out there all day, I would have. I ran out of pictures though... too many portions, unfortunately, contained ridiculous amounts of litter. People are so lazy that it makes me sick sometimes. Not to mention, the creek was at extremely low levels(thanks to our monotonous dry spell - did I mention we're under a red flag warning?), so it was covered in lots of plant growth... The little purple flowers at the base of the tree caught my interest, but on closer inspection turned out to be weeds. I have this thing for floral weeds... All-in-all, a fabulous way to spend a lunch hour on a lovely afternoon. I highly recommend it...

This Sunday, some church friends and we are planning a picnic at that military recreational facility that I've shot pictures at before. I am looking forward to a nice, quiet picnic out there with dear friends. I'll bring my camera... and long johns... as per Mark's AFD:
ITS GOING TO FEEL MORE LIKE CHRISTMAS THAN EASTER THIS WEEKEND AS AN UNUSUALLY COLD AIRMASS BUILDS SEWD ACROSS DIXIE. I'm dreaming of a white Easter... just doesn't sound right... it is possible for us to break some records with this one... sigh. Have I mentioned that I hate the cold???



  1. Looks like a nice place to get away. Cool sunset pix below.

    Celine Dion signing in my ears here on your blog. A must see in Vegas. Really everything in Vegas is a must see.

  2. Thanks for the compliment. That spot was really was a fantastic little escape from reality...

    As for Celine... funny you should mention that, I happen to have tickets to see her in ... count them... 9 days!!! I'll be landing in Vegas around this time on the 15th. Woohoo! Then, it's off the the Palace to see her show.... I plan to see as much as humanly possible. Too bad, I'll have to attend work sessions... I'll be posting pictures... but you probably knew that. ;-)


  3. Yeah I like to visit Vegas. Would never live there, but it's fun for a few days once or twice a year. Head out of the city if you can into a photographers dream land of open space.

    Yeah we all expect some updates from the strip... LOL

  4. This is my first trip, but it's a week long... should be enlightening... We are staying on the strip, so I'll be right in the middle of everything.

    Our group has plans to head out to the Hoover Dam. I am optimistic that I'll have ample photo ops along the way. I am at the mercy of group decision, unfortunately, but I think if I jump out to catch a shot, they'll come back for me... lol

  5. Oh there is a ton to shoot on the way to the dam, and the dam location itself is very cool with the mountains and river. Staying on the strip means....A TON OF WALKING! Bring your best sneakers. I have stayed at a few of the resorts on the strip and they all are worth a visit.

  6. My goal is to hit every resort... I am definitely going to bring my walking shoes, and thanks to the NYC trip, they are well broken in. These two trips should cover my exercise quota for the year... lol

  7. Sounds like you had a very nice time barring the crazy bike rider. ;) I am really struggling with the temps in WI today. I hope it is the last big cold spell. Have a peaceful Easter weekend.

  8. I'm with you... here's hoping it's the end of the cold for a while.

    Hope you have a splendid Easter weekend!


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