The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Fires in South Georgia still blazing

Sadly, just when the fire in Ware County appeared to have been burning itself out, it flared back up during the overnight hours. Smoke from the fire over there could be impacting our area at the higher levels, which is better than what it has been, such as on Monday. I can't imagine being closer to those fires. The Atkinson County fire is still burning hot, but isn't as large as it was. The fires are definitely the "hot" topic around these parts. Sorry, shouldn't making light of it.

Rain is still a contender for Friday. We are expecting showers or thunderstorms to our west during the day, and from then on, things get "messy" as Bryan puts it... as there is very little confidence in the forecast beyond that point. Sunday appears to be bringing another back door front... that would be much better timed than the Friday thing. We do desperately need rain though... so I won't complain too much. I'll just bring a rain poncho to the Relay.

Had a great bank night last night with regard to Relay. Bank night is the night when people turn in the money that they have to that point, so there isn't ridiculous amounts of money at the event itself. Anyway, we collected over $80,000 last night alone. I had a great group of people there helping with the counting and sorting, so we got finished rather quickly, which was very good.

The next topic in the series of topics during Air Quality Awareness Week, "The Health Risks of Poor Air Quality" has not been posted yet on the NWS site, so I can't link it... but if I see it up there I will.

Been seeing lots of blog mooning lately. It only stands to reason. The moon has been spectacular these last few nights. If I had a better camera for night shots, I'd be all over it. It has been large at the horizon and glowing an amber color... (hmm... oddly made me think of chasing with amber light bars just a-beamin'... SDS be darned!!), and I actually heard reports that at a point yesterday evening, (at least where visible further North), the moon was glowing with an almost magenta hue... I hate that I missed that.

Exhausted in S. GA...


  1. Hey Dewdrop. Thanks for visiting my blog. Hopefully the storm activity will pick up some soon so I can actually get out and shoot some photography and video. Been kind of slow here so far in 2007. Nice pics of the fires down there, I have been following them on the news and online. I hope you get a soaking rain soon.


  2. Hey Mikey... I hope so too, but you've gotten more action than we have... sadly. I'll check by your blog from time to time to see what you're up to.

    Keep hoping for that rain... it has to get us evenually, right?


Dew comment, please...