The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Timing is of the essence...

Another shot of the really awesome dew on the strawberry plant leaf, taken by my dear friend Jen. She has a macro setting on her camera. I want one... no, really I want an SLR, desperately... add it to my list, right...? Things I want, for chasing sake. In addition to the rain request, I will now start accepting contributions to the "DEW NEEDS GEAR FUND". Just kidding... well, unless you want to send money... ;-)

Topic #2 is out for Air Quality Awareness Week... today's topic being: Causes of Poor Air Quality.

The smoke that was forecast to still be here today has taken a turn to the North, which is a welcome relief, so fortunately for us, smoke is not an issue for today, and incidentally, southerly flow will shift the wind away from us for at least the short term... Fortunately/unfortunately, POPS have gone up with regard to Friday as this backdoor front rolls in. It's sitting at 20-30% now. Thunderstorms even a possibility for Friday... not good news... except for the much needed rain... the timing is all wrong. All the moisture of course, will come to an abrupt halt as ridging takes hold on Monday.

Is it Hurricane Season yet??? I know, I know, it's just now May... We need something, though. This problem is nothing a nice tropical system wouldn't take care of rather nicely.



  1. Sheeesh...Such a Diva! Bet you only what green M&M's in your trailer while on the set with the Twister sisters..;-P

  2. I was thinking a personal masseuse to deal with the stresses of the Hollywood lifestyle... grape leaves fanning me... cabana boys feeding me fruit... lol

  3. The dew on the leaves is just superb. Nice capture.

  4. I will pass the passage along to Jen. Thanks, Beth Ellen.


Dew comment, please...