The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Sunday, May 13, 2007

I am missing hail! So unfair!

I just got a call from dear son, and he reported to me that pea-sized hail was falling from the sky in South Central Georgia!!! No freakin' way!!! I loved getting the report, but you know, it would have been great to have been there! Apparently, I am the one with the curse! All I had to do was leave, and it rained almost immediately. The "Dew-Nothing-when-Dew's-Around" curse... so unfair!

I am a little nervous about the interstate tomorrow. I have heard reports that it is still closed. The alternate routes are not cool. I just want to get out of here! Don't get me wrong... I have had a nice time. It's been lovely visiting, but enough is enough. Mothers' Day has been nice, though. Hubby and Mini-Dew gave me the "Extreme Storms" DVD co-produced by Jim Edds and a digital Rain Gauge... It doesn't get much better than that. It was funny because I was looking at the DVD and I saw Jim's picture in the bottom right of the case, and I said, "Hey, that looks like Jim Edds." Sure enough... Very cool. I sat by the pool all day soaking up rays through a very hazy sky. My pool boy, Michael, was wonderful about keeping those mudslides flowing for me. Makes for a very good experience. I didn't have to do much... One of the other mothers and I went on strike and let hubby take care of the kids. Then, we were one of the two teams selected to partipate in a live (not filmed) Nick family show. We won, which means that our team captain (a little boy from the group we're here with) got slimed!! Big thrills, Nick style... The show also gave this DCA employee the opportunity to make a complete fool of himself. Nickelodeon is great for embarrassing people!! I'll be sending this guy pictures soon... Really though, it was fun.

Apparently, we have some stuff rolling in this way... the wind's been picking up here, and the sky is covering over pretty well, so it's possible that (even though "Dew-Nothing" is here) it could rain. As long as it rains on those fires! I hope we can make it home tomorrow!

Anyone know an alternate route from Orlando to South Georgia??? I see now that I-95 has also been closed... yikes!

Update: I-95 is partially re-opened... so far out of the way. Mile marker 427 to the state line isn't that far, is it? I need to check my Atlas... man, do I need GPS, or what? A Garmin would show me the way...

I'd better run!


  1. Take Hwy 50 west out of Orlando across to Hwy 19 on the west side of Florida near Brooksville. Go north on 19, up to Monticello and then up to Thomasville over to Valosta. out of the way , but it is open! Been that way many many times! Have a safe trip!

  2. Thanks, Rick! You rock! Hopefully, that way won't be awful with smoke like the interstate was yesterday morning. How much time will that add to the trip? Is there a cut off from I-75 further up??? I-75 isn't closed until MM 427 (right now).

  3. Ocalla. Catch 27 West over to Wiiliston, continue west to Bronson ON ALT 27 not 27 and you will come out at Chiefland.. About 3 hours (max) extra.

  4. Remember traffic will be backed up further south down 75 and you want to get off the interstate before you hit them and get stuck..

  5. Ok...Have it your way. Sit on the interstate in traffic. Sheeesh! Work with me maam! Take achance and run 75..You might make it....might not. Feeling lucky? lkol ;-)

  6. Good point about the traffic being backed up further down... I might need to call along the way for updates. I'll have the scanner on too... that's how we heard about the closure when we were just past it... again... whew!

    3 extra hours!!! For a trip that starts at 3 hours???!!! Are you kidding me?!!!

  7. Beggars/Divas cant be choosers! LOL!!

  8. I am working with you... but sheesh. No, I don't feel lucky at all... I just wonder how far up to chance it... alternate routes are going to be awful, too.

  9. And just why not???? ;-)

  10. Stick the the main routes. ALT 27 is a major state highway. 27/441 runs due north up to Lake City, but my guess is that eveybody from 75 will be taking that route, thats why I suggested ALT 27.

  11. Thanks. I will take that advice. I just want to go home. Hope someone caught some hail for me... Can you believe that?! I miss all the good stuff!

  12. Cuz I said so thats why!..Ok, hee is my last offer at getting you home! Take 27 over to Wiiliston, to Bronson then to Chiefland. BUT Take 129 from Chiefland north to Trenton and on up to Live Oak. It then goes North into Ga to Statenville..That your options Maam..

  13. Bring the Ted Miester home in one piece. Be careful, drive safely..Nite!

  14. I'll Dew my best to get us all home safely, even the Ted-meister... (eye roll). We'll be safe. Thanks for the tips. Nite.

  15. Just catching up on your adventure with the last 3 posts. All I can say is "wow!". You've had it all...excitement, drama, relazation, humor, fun times....and mudslides. :-)

    Hope ya'll make it home safe!

  16. Hope you made it ok. Some guy on the Weather Channel said it took 12 hours to get to Atlanta from Orlando.

  17. Steve, It was all made possible by the mudslides... they were the saving grace. Good time, indeed.

    Mike, No detours... the roads belong to DEW!!! Update forthcoming!

  18. The roads belong to to conquer the skies! Looking forward to the update.

  19. "Medicine" like those mudslides can cure alot of ills. ;-)

  20. They certainly hit the spot for me!


Dew comment, please...