The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Monday, June 11, 2007

Back... finally...

What an ordeal it was getting home. I hope Delta is ready for a letter from me blasting them out for high levels of incompetence. I am disgusted! Flight out of KCI was fine. We made it safely to Atlanta with plenty of time to spare... I even found this cool shirt in KCI, which sort of rewrites the ending to the Wizard of Oz. Makes me want to see that movie again... if for no other reason than to see the ending... there's no place like home... indeed (for a little while tonight, I wondered if I would ever see home again). Well, in Atlanta is when I started to really click my heels together... We had a 2 1/2 hour layover, which wasn't too bad, gave us time to eat. The problem is that the plane was late arriving, so we ended up sitting at the gate for an additional hour, so the luggage had plenty of time to make it to the right plane, right? Yeah... no such luck... Half the flight into VLD was missing luggage. Oh, but it's not "lost", it's just "delayed" (even though clearly, it wasn't on my plane, so it is LOST!), which means that they will not do anything to compensate me for the fact that I had to go out and buy $60 worth in makeup, hair product and shaving stuff to get me through tomorrow morning, because their "procedure" is not to compensate for that until it's "lost" which it can't be classified as until after 24 hours of separation. So, basically, the incompetence of the Delta staff has cost me $60, as they have temporarily misplaced my luggage, and they won't offer any compensation until it is sufficiently lost. I told them that I did not authorize them to send that luggage anywhere but on the plane with me, so technically, it's stolen. I should file a friggin' police report. I yelled at the customer service rep, who was a complete female dog... and then told her I wanted to speak to a manager. She assured me that the manager would say the same. I told her I was just following my "procedure". Quinton, the only baggage handling manager named such, said that if I "didn't have enough clothes at my permanent residence to cover one day, then (I) have a serious problem!", which was not what I was asking compensation for, and when I asked what I should do about my makeup and hair products... he said he "wouldn't know what to tell (me)" in a very snide and derogatory tone. He was such a poophole! Delta Airlines sucks! Fly Jet Blue!

Anyways... when we picked up Mini-Dew from the sitter, the first thing she said to me was, "Guess what, while you were gone we had major storms. You should have seen the lightning. It was awesome! I wish I could have taken pictures." That's my girl... yes, even she noticed that the weather occurred when I left... sigh. Clear as can be now... eye roll.

I'd better go to bed. Work in the morning.



  1. Love the shirt!!!
    Haten delta!!!
    omgosh what a friggen diaster for you!!!

  2. I cannot believe that Quinton guy actually said if you didn't have enough clothes at your permanent residence to cover one day, then you have a serious problem. THEY apparently have some serious problems and one of those problems is his lack of customer service skills. He could have offered an apology at least.

    Mini Dew sounds like she will be following in your footsteps with regard to storm chasing!

  3. Wow. Definitely a story that reminds me why I hate to fly. We're all just cattle to them...pure cargo. If I have to fly, I try to go Southwest. Sorry to hear of your troubles. I'll certainly drop Delta to the bottom of my list.

    You need to get mini-Dew a camera! :-)

  4. The Mini Dew is in serious training right now..(smirk)

  5. Jess, I love the shirt, too! It's my new storm chasing shirt. I totally love it. Yeah, Delta sucks! This disaster will be resolved.

    Mike, Customer service? What customer service?

    Steve, Well to the bottom of the list... Jet Blue was awesome and I'll keep Southwest on mine. Mini-Dew definitely needs a camera!

    Rick, She is seriously in training. lol! I'm loving it.

  6. $60? Damn, how thick IS your beard?? Well, I hope with the right mix of Nair, razors, Noxema shave cream and a little foundation you look like a woman again. XOXO.

  7. I returned $30 of it yesterday... the luggage arrived. Woohoo! Very funny.


Dew comment, please...