The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Friday, August 31, 2007

Tropically speaking.

I will start with tropical action today, since there seems to be a lot to talk about there. First off, it looks like the tropical wave Invest 94L has the most potential of earning the name Felix. The NHC is expecting that this area could today become a tropical depression. A hurricane hunter flight is standing by to investigate, if necessary. This system is in the same area that Dean traveled over not too long ago, just east of the Windward Islands. There is another area, Invest 96L that is off NJ that has some potential for development into a tropical cyclone before an approaching frontal system wisps it away. That area I referenced yesterday over the Bay of Campeche has dimished. Now, it is over land and causing flash floods and mudslides... mmm... mudslides... lol A Cape Verde large low is not too impressive convectively, but could possibly, very slowly develop. Finally, that non-tropical low near GA/FL has lost its umph... further development is not expected. All eyes to the Eastern Caribbean, looks like we could have the future Tropical Storm Felix.

On to more locally focused issues... it looks like we had rain last night as a MCS rolled through. Who knew? My new friend, Nyquil and I had no idea what was going on outside, as my head hit the pillow just after getting Mini-Dew down to sleep. My wonderful friend Nyquil really boosted the way I feel today. The picture I posted was taken almost a year ago. I hope to get some new stuff this weekend, but I might just stay in bed instead. lol

For today, the guys have POPS at 80%. I just hope I can beat it, as I HATE driving in the rain on long trips. North Georgia has been popping quite a bit with those afternoon thunderstorms. I will hopefully beat that action driving-wise and get an opportunity to shoot some storms up that way, but somehow I doubt it... Ma Nature probably already knows I am coming. At least temps are more bearable than they have been. I got my power bill yesterday... ouch.

Have a happy Friday and a great holiday weekend!

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