The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Friday, September 07, 2007

Hello, Gabrielle!

Latest recon data measured winds at 33kts... hello, folks, looks like we've got ourselves a TS. Hello Tropical Storm Gabrielle. Mind you, it's not official... but I would say it's a decent bet.

It's going to be a fun weekend.

UPDATE: With regard to Alabama Mike's comment, I thought I should paint you a picture (via nifty satellite imagery) of what Mr. Spann is talking about... cha cha cha.

ANOTHER UPDATE:The NHC has issued yet another Special Tropical Disturbance Statement. This time, they are saying that a "well-defined" closed circulation has NOT been detected by the hurricane hunters, so a tropical advisories have not yet been issued, but they are still investigating the system, and it could be called something at any point. Stay tuned, folks.



  1. Here we go....cha cha cha....

    Don't look now, but this just in from James Spann:

    "HUMBERTO? The Gulf of Mexico is unsettled, and very warm. The NAM develops a tropical storm in the southern Gulf of Mexico over the weekend (and the GFS to some degree), and if that is the case there is a reasonable chance it will be forced northward by the deepening upper trough over the U.S. next week. The GFS brings it up into the vicinity of Southeast Louisiana and Mississippi at mid-week, with a rain event now showing up for all of Alabama on Wednesday. Like Gabrielle, I have concern that this might strengthen rapidly… there is a ton of latent heat energy available in the Gulf right now. Interests along the Gulf coast need to watch this closely; the best possible scenario for us is for the system to remain loosely organized, moving inland, and bringing some big time rain totals to the state at mid-week. But, systems rarely remain “loosely organized” this time of the year."

  2. Oh yeah... :-) Thanks for the really awesome update Mike!!! Awesomeness!

  3. Not the "Cha Cha Cha" Mike...

  4. Always the cha cha cha, Rick.

  5. Cha cha cha...everyone! My beloved, now elderly, Dad deserves the credit for that! If I say cha cha cha, look out! That is AKA (for me) as interesting WX!

    It's a good thing that I am not as crazy as my Dad was...

    While I am spending a Friday night as a single guy looking at sat images of storms in the Gulf and Atlantic, I won't even say what the cha cha cha man would have been up to!

  6. Now, that's my idea of a Friday night, much better than edging! ;-)


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