The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thank goodness for road hazard policies...

UPDATE: The NHC has issued a Special Tropical Statement with regards to the low off the Gulf coast of Florida that was just investigated by recon. Nothing yet, but perhaps soon... Limited and disorganized showers keep this thing from being tropical, but the rotation is clearly there.

What a morning! I was driving to the office this morning, rather proud of myself for actually being slightly ahead of the game. In fact, I was rather enjoying that feeling... until... my tire gauge light came on. Tire gauge light, you say? Yes, I love my van. If my tire pressure drops, my light comes on to warn me. It's an excellent feature, and it has never misguided me. Well, since I was almost at my office, I decided to check it when I got there... I arrive at the office... EARLY, and take out my handy dandy tire gauge to see what the problem is. Well, the tire that looked like it was slightly low ended up only containing 10psi. WHAT?! Not good. So then, I whipped out my handy dandy air compressor, and added 20psi... so I could take it to the place where I got my new tires a little over a month ago. I took it there where 5 minutes somehow turned into an hour, and found out that I picked up a hitch-hiking nail somewhere along the way. Grrr... All better now though, and since I got a free road hazard plan with my new tire purchase, I saved $20! Go me! Thursdays aren't the best days for that kind of thing, but what can you do, right? You have to play the hand your dealt.

Back in the weather world... while I was carrying some of Mini-Dew's friends home yesterday, I was blessed to experience one of the most breathtaking post-sunset skies, I have ever seen. I would have loved to have stopped to shoot some nicely framed and set up pics, but it was late, and all the girls had to eat, finish homework, get ready for bed, so I just shot out my window a few as I drove. The photographs really don't do it justice. I wish I could have set up the shots better. You win some and you lose some.

As for our friendly little Invest 93L, the low is spinning off the coast in the Eastern GOM, and rain and wind have picked up in my neck of the woods as the convective "bands" wrap around the core. So far, shower activity with this guy remains very disorganized, but the pressure continues to drop and the wind is picking up offering Florida's peninsula some tropical storm force gusts. It still looks favorable for this thing to pull it together for at least a subtropical storm once it gathers it's stuff in the Gulf. Interests along the Gulf should keep an eye on this system as it decides what it wants to do when it grows up. Should be offering up some rain as it comes through. I will continue to monitor it.

Have a fabulous day!


  1. Very colourful sunset...Don't give up on 93L. I think he will blossom and do beteer than people think he will.

  2. Wasn't it gorgeous?! I couldn't believe the colors. I won't give up. I promise, cha cha cha.

  3. Glad to hear it...cha cha cha!

  4. It would be easier if he looked more impressive though... cha cha cha.

  5. It doesn't look like your expectations should get too high...I'm thinking minimal hurricane at best...what do you think?

  6. Strong Tropical Storm... Mississippi/Louisiana line...

  7. Heads up Dew. Some moderate rotating storms moving north-northwest towards the FL/GA border. The are riding along the sea breeze boundary and banding around the eastern side of the large broad circulation of 93L.

    I've been waiting all day for them to fire down here, but it looks like the mositure is better up there still. That darn dry slot is killing me. MD for you.

    As for 93L - I say weak to moderate TS, landfall near Gulfport.

  8. Also forgot! Awesome sunset pics! Vivid colors and great cirrus deck pulling all the colors together.

  9. Thanks for the heads, Jeff! I will keep an eye out! Not a good chase day for me, but perhaps some backyard stuff... Thanks for the compliment on the sunset pic. It was the most spectacular color display I have ever seen. Even the girls said, "WOAH!"

    Weak to moderate, huh?

  10. Just awesome Sunset shots. I know when I see a lot of high cirrus clouds during the daytime, I always hope they will still be around come sunset. There hasn't been any really exciting weather around here for a few weeks, bummer.


  11. Thanks, Mikey! It was the most incredible sight. Cool thing was that one of my co-workers showed me a pic the her hubby took of the same sunset through her cypress trees in the lake behind her house. I love a good sunset. We had some weather tonight, but, of course, I was trapped inside. Grrrr...


Dew comment, please...