The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The sun'll come out... on Saturday...?

Well, we needed rain, and rain is exactly what we got. I forgot to check my rain gauge before leaving the house, but we got some good steady rain in to the night, last night. The sound was like music to my ears. Although, the parts of Invest 90L that made it up north were firing some lightning, the stuff that made it up this way was not offering any CG... are we suprised? (I think not...) Anyway, the rain was nice and much needed, so I am not complaining. Still more to come, as the day progresses, but looking at trends, it looks like Carolina Mike will miss most of the nasty drizzle that no one wants to drive in... He safely made it into Georgia, and will soon continue on his way down to this area. I really hope we get a chasetunity! We are now looking at POPS at 50%, through the rest of the work week, which looks decent to me. Nothing severe is forecasted, but some CG shooting would be mighty nice. It is still highly dependent upon what 90L does over the course of the next couple of days, but it looks like it should all taper off Friday, as drier air enters the game.

Invest 90L has got a strongly convected upper low, which is moving away from the surface low, which has very little convection associated with it. I suspect that the upper low will move on, and the naked surface low will have its chance to shine, most likely at that point as a subtropical storm. Given those warm Gulf water s though, I am sure it will have no problem building the convection and the dignified honor of the tropical storm status. Most likely, Noel coming right up. It's far from impressive, but it has potential. Aside from the upcoming Noel, models are still building a system off the east coast of FL and bringing it into the Southwestern Gulf. Currently over the Bahamas, there are some impressive clusters of showers (now Invest 92L), which could develop into something substantial, proving the models correct. After that though, there are different theories regarding what will happen with it. If that ridge in the Gulf breaks down some, it could head this way; otherwise, it will most likely sail across the GOM and slam into Texas or something. This stuff is close to home, so interests all around the Gulf of Mexico should be keeping up with what is going on. We have seen how quickly nothing storms have developed into hurricanes with the blink of an eye. That is not a far fetched outcome with these GOM storms.

That's it for me. I will update with any changes, cause I'm cool like that!


  1. you are cool like that!
    Great post!

  2. it feels like it hasn't rained in over a month here :( a good day is just having some nice clouds to look at right now. i see some nice nor'easters in my forecast this fall/winter :)


  3. This sticky, hot, damp weather is killing me. I got one cool day that felt like fall and now my kid is in bed with swollen, hot joints and a fever. Any cold fronts in my future?

  4. Ahhh... forecasting, the thing I am working on learning... let me look in my crystal ball... Nope, I don't see anything major headed down your way. Hey, all you folks reading who know how to do this better than I know, could you let Annie know about cold front potential in Central Florida...? THANKS!


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