The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Thursday, August 17, 2006

She Raises Me Up

I'll start with the hullaballoo about the weather... TD 4 does not seem to want to appear. That low off of SC (was NC, I know) is more rapidly becoming disorganized. Debby is in hiding... Hellooo, Debby, come out, come out wherever you are...

As for local WX, they don't say it, but it looks like we'll get some sea breeze off the east coast, off of that non-TD. Right now, all they're warning of is fog. Can't really photograph fog... Better luck tomorrow. Oh wait, no. Tomorrow we have a function on the east coast. Maybe, it will all hold off until Saturday night/Sunday. We have outdoor plans and traveling planned through Saturday afternoon.

As for the title of this blog, it has a lot to do with something darling daughter said to me a while back. She has been instrumental in the development of my spirituality. She has such a pure faith that has been unharmed by the evil ways of the world. I wish she'd always stay that way... Anyway, on the way to school one morning, she pointed out the rays pouring down from the sky as they peak through light cloud cover. She shared with me that those rays are stairways to heaven. She explained that God opens the door ("see look," she said, " you can even see the door!") and he lets his stairway come down and that is how people get up to heaven. On a morning when there were lots of them, she commented that many people must have died. This morning, I captured some "stairways to heaven" as we approached her school. I have shared that here.

Hope a little piece of heaven can brighten your day.


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