The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Saturday, March 03, 2007


I thought I'd capture this one for the sake of my videographer friends, make you drool...

What a day... I woke up bright and early, and we caravaned out to J-ville... We indulged in some overpriced food and watched the event for hours... It was good. I am pooped from all that driving and lack of sufficient sleep. I still don't think I ever caught up from Thursday night... Well, we left there and headed to the Beaches to eat at Joe's. That was an experience. On the way home, I was disappointed to see heavy cloud cover out my rear window (east) during sunset (which, might I add was phenomenal, that spectacular splash of color, the reds, oranges, purples and blues were brilliant, breathtaking--driving toward it, I was so tempted to grab my camera and completely freak out the other mom), which meant that I was certain to miss the total lunar eclipse, which was the first in 3 years. When we got closer to home, the cloud cover parted some, and I got a glimpse at the partial eclipse... oh well, you can't win them all. Then, finally, as we were driving to Mini-Dew's friend's house, we were driving down a dark country road, when this rabbit jumped into the road right in front of me. I breaked... I swerved... the other mom grabbed my sleeve and said "Oh NO! The girls screemed... Wouldn't you know it, that doggone rabbit turned around and decided to hop right into my minivan's wheel... Wathump... My heart broke... What can you do...? I guess that rabbit's foot wasn't so lucky for the rabbit, you know? Unfortunately, I am sorry to say that tonight, I committed bunny-cide.

As for the weather... cold weather is once again approaching. It started to trickle in tonight, as I sit now shivering since the heater hasn't caught up with the outside yet. Time to pull on a nice, warm sweatshirt... Looks to be getting down to the really cold temps tomorrow night and Monday morning. Sigh...

I notice we're back under Red Flag Warning conditions... and you wouldn't believe the fools who seem to suffer from the deranged delusion that this is the perfect weather to burn in... It's not folks... perhaps try getting a burn permit, and they might let you know that BURNING IS A BAD IDEA DURING A RED FLAG WARNING, fires can become wild in those conditions... dummies. We had another nearby fool burn on Wednesday (you know, Red Flag Day), and it (surprise, surprise) got out of control, dangerously close to property nearby and coming right up to the road. Another big fire requiring helicopter assistance wasn't too far away... people... please!


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