The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Sunday, March 04, 2007

It's fixin to get cold... again.

A ROUND OF FREEZING TEMPERATURES IS POSSIBLE ACROSS SOUTHEAST ALABAMA...SOUTHWEST AND SOUTH CENTRAL GEORGIA AND INLAND AREAS OF THE EASTERN FLORIDA PANHANDLE AND FLORIDA BIG BEND EARLY MONDAY MORNING. TEMPERATURES WILL BOTTOM OUT IN THE UPPER 20S TO NEAR 30 ACROSS MUCH OF THE REGION... Well, that's not the news I like to wake up to, but I knew it was coming... freeze watch... Is it any wonder everyone is staying so sick around here... Warmth today, gone tomorrow... Not to worry though, by Tuesday, things should be approaching normal. Next chance at rain (isolated tstms, even) comes Thursday. Something to watch, but models aren't in alignment yet, so who knows what will come of it...

Cleanup and assessment continues with regard to the tornado outbreak last week associated with that monstrous storm that passed through our area. Updates have been made to the discussion regarding the storm in our CWA This is a well written comprehensive discussion that details the true enormity of this system. The loop above (click the image to watch it loop) reflects the portion of the storm that caused the devastation in Enterprise, AL.

I think I neglected to mention that the final pathology results for hubby's mass were benign. We lost internet signal just as I was about to share that news, and then I forgot to mention it in light of all the weather... but anyway, I appreciate all the prayers. He is recovering well, getting a little stir crazy. In fact, so much so that he has been cleaning the house... might have to operate on him more often... lol

Well, I'm off to get ready for church. I think I'm flying solo today, so I need to get the Mini-Dew going to get her off to Sunday School.



Dew comment, please...