The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Don't go there, don't use the "f" word...

That's it, they've gone and done it... they have used the "f" word (freeze) again in the AFD. As if the fact that we got zero precip yesterday (nope, not even a millionth of an inch) wasn't bad enough, as if the extremely low relative humidity isn't a total bummer, they pile on the "f" word. It is Spring folks... Spring... you know birds chirping, green grass, flowers blossoming, severe weather season... not freezing temps... how are we supposed to hunt eggs in freezing temps...? Ridiculous! They are actually not forecasting freezing temps for Saturday even though guidance suggests it because as they say: GIVEN THE POSITION OF THE SFC HIGH OVER THE PLAINS...THE SIGNIFICANT GRADIENT EXPECTED TO STILL BE IN PLACE...AND THE TIME OF YEAR...NOT FORECASTING SUCH LOW TEMPS ATTM. WILL KEEP MINS IN THE MID 30S SATURDAY MORNING. Well, mid 30's, that changes everything (eye roll)... sheesh. They go on to say... who was that Parks or Mike? Not sure, but: COLD WEATHER TO CONTINUE SUNDAY AND INTO EARLY NEXT WEEK. MEX GUIDANCE IS GOING BONKERS WITH LOWS SUNDAY MORNING... BUT JUST DONT SEE ANY SUPPORT FOR MID 20S IN THE MODEL FIELDS. Thank you... oh, and the MEX is going BONKERS? LOL!!! ANOTHER REINFORCING SHOT OF COOL AIR BEHIND THIS SYSTEM WILL KEEP TEMPS BELOW NORMAL THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF NEXT WEEK. BY WEDNESDAY... EXPECT NEXT SYSTEM TO BEGIN IMPACTING AREA. DETAILS VERY UNCERTAIN ATTM SO HAVE GONE WITH LOW CHANCE POPS.

Some interesting wording in the day 1 outlook for my friend, Jeff's area in South Florida... ..SOUTH FL...SURFACE COLD FRONT WILL SAG SOUTHWARD ACROSS THE FL PENINSULA TODAY...PROVIDING A FOCUS FOR SCATTERED AFTERNOON THUNDERSTORMS. DEWPOINTS IN THE 60S AND POCKETS OF DAYTIME HEATING WILL RESULT IN MLCAPE VALUES OF 500-1000 J/KG. DESPITE RATHER WEAK LOW LEVEL FLOW...DEEP LAYER VERTICAL SHEAR IS FORECAST TO BE SUFFICIENT FOR ORGANIZED MULTICELL OR ISOLATED SUPERCELL STRUCTURES CAPABLE OF HAIL...DAMAGING WINDS...AND BRIEF TORNADOES. THE EAST COAST SEA BREEZE WILL ALSO PROVIDE FOCUS THIS AFTERNOON. Unfortunately with the dry spell they've had and their resulting drought conditions, lightning is not the best thing for them right now. Poor guy's been chasing dirt, and he can't even just enjoy a nice little system rolling through because of the potential consequences... bummer. Maybe it'll rain long enough to wet things, break enough to build up the energy and then drop a few supercells... what??? It could happen. (In fact, if they haven't changed it, you can see at the bottom of my blog the 2% area outlined for tornadoes in S FL. It's almost as small as the 2% label... lol)

My computer killing-game playing, wild chaser friend in good graces with local law enforcement, Steve M., the Texas one, who created the icon pictured... posted a great blog about public image for chasers and potential for policing. It's a great blog, feel free to check it out. It's something that needs to be considered as a chase team is developed locally. It's important that any members invited onto my chase team (of which, I'm an original member ;-) ) act professionally and execute reasonable judgement. It's so important to work together with local law enforcement, Emergency Management (you know, my future job) and the Weather Service... not a blazing saddles chase team, just weather enthusiasts chasing what they love, safely and courteously. We don't want the stormchaser police on our tails while we're tailing a tornadic supercell... you know? I think I've said enough about that.

Have a great DRY day! (sigh) Hey, at least it's not snow, right...?


  1. oooooooo love the music

  2. Thank you! I was just glad to be able to get it running. Unfortunately, my test song, Josh Groban's "Remember When it Rained" wasn't working, so when I loaded the player, it didn't work. Leave it to me to test it with the one song that doesn't work.

    Hey, thanks for the visit.


  3. Hey, thanks for the blog kudos! :-) Keep in mind that the stormchaser police aren't necessarily LE. Some actually exist within our own "community" with a strong desire (or obsession)to control/manipulate/coerce/intimidate/slander/harass/stalk other chasers if one does not adhere or follow the "special rules" established by the stormchaser police themselves. Anything from amber light bar usage to decals on your vehicle to showing emotion on your video to chasing at night to selling video and even spelling/punctuation on a list....just to name a few examples :-)

  4. My pleasure, Steve. It was a great write up, and besides, I loved to badge, and I have to give credit where credit is due.

    Sounds like you've had more than your share of less than pleasant encounters with the stormchaser police. They sound impossible to deal with. Why can't everyone just get along....?



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