The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Stay Tuned...

Really, the forecast is more of the same, but I just had to share this afternoon's AFD because it made me laugh... FOR SAT NIGHT, GUIDANCE IS SHOWING MID 20S ACROSS THE NORMALLY COLDER AREAS, INCLUDING THE TLH AIRPORT. CONSIDERING THE ALL-TIME MONTHLY LOW TEMP FOR TLH IS 29 DEGREES, WE ARE NOT PREPARED TO FORECAST THIS. WE BASICALLY WENT ABOUT 5 DEGREES ABOVE GUIDANCE TO SHOW A LIGHT LATE SEASON FREEZE FOR SUN MORNING AWAY FROM THE COAST. THERE WILL BE A WEAK GULF LOW WELL S OF THE AREA. IF ENOUGH CLOUDINESS DEVELOPS N OF THIS SYSTEM, THESE COLD TEMPS WILL NOT BE REALIZED. STAY TUNED. That's the part that made me laugh... stay tuned... isn't that my line?! I'm glad they aren't falling for the ridiculous guidance projections. Outrageous! Oh, and as for the pic, since my van was clean, I decided to take a picture of my really cool Skywarn magnet... cause I'm cool like that.

Might be a delay in getting my radio up and running, ran into some software problems that have me tied up waiting on technical support (eye roll). Yep, Dr. BS is going to have to work with me tomorrow... Today just isn't working.

Update 5:47 PM: Convection is kicking up in South Florida... Some sorta strong short-lived cells are generating and moving east across the southeastern peninsula... and really firing up just before hitting the coast line. Might get something out of that. Be careful if you go out looking, JG. Looks pretty random at the moment.

One last quick update (7:40PM) before I finally head home reveals a few more cells erupting over the central peninsula. Feed off the Gulf is looking less impressive for strong storms. Not a strong system, but it should produce some steady rain for a little while over the central peninsula, which is exactly what they needed. If it would just spread to cover the entire state, that would really be beneficial.


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