The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Mammatus... my favorite.

I am up in Winder with my dear, sweet Winder friend, and she was very excited to show me her cloud pictures from the storms they had up here last week... Tuesday. You know when they had hail and lightning and winds and we had nothing. Well, wouldn't you know it, now they have nothing... big shocker, there, right? Well, anyways, she took many pictures of the sky that day, and I was very impressed. She shot mammatus... my favorite! I took it as an opportunity to explain mammatus clouds to her... I am so proud of her shooting the sky. Soon all my friends will be cloud stalkers. Anyone else want to join my cloud stalking club?? lol Anyway, her picture. Enjoy!

Good night!


  1. Nice photograph! Mammatus is always very cool.

  2. my favorite too!! I think i have entered the jessvoid,no storms, no rain nothing sense Barry.

  3. Mammatus clouds are awesomely cool! Dimples in the sky. Love them! I'll let me dear sweet friend know that you like her pic, Jeff. Maybe someday, I'll get a mammatus shot... actually, I take that back, I took one, but the contrast was awful, so they didn't come out.

    Jess, I can totally relate, but I guess everyone knows that. Let's hope we get something out of the tropics soon.

  4. I have a few mammatus photos on my Flickr page if interested. The latest ones were shot back in May right from my backyard when there was a strong storm to the west of me that if I remember correctly there was a tornado warning for.
    or for all my storm photos
    Images are full original size.

  5. Jason, thanks so much for the visit and the comment with links to your awesome cloud shots. You are definitely welcome to join my cloud stalking club. Great work you've got out there! I've added your blog to my list.


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